Death threats for KQZ Chairman and his family after requesting an inquiry over the illegitimate local elections

Death threats for KQZ Chairman and his family after requesting an inquiry over the illegitimate local elections

12:56, 05/07/2019
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The chairman of the Albanian Central Electoral Commission (KQZ) Klement Zguri and his family have received death threats following the chairman’s request for an inquiry over the elections for the local government, held on June 30.

Zguri and his family were threatened barely thirty minutes after the end of a tense meeting in KQZ.

Sources say “the threats are really serious” and Zguri has been taken into defense by an added number of effectives of the Guard of the Republic who are located in his office and around KQZ building, while police are protecting his family.

Zguri held a firm position against the conduct of the elections after President Ilir Meta called them off with a Presidential Decree and set October 13 as the new date.


Lexo edhe:


Xxl05/07/2019 14:46

Ndoshta ka mbetur vetëm një rrugë për shqiptarët, ajo më e padëshiruara, por që bën punë me këtë regjim palaço-mafiozësh.

Gramoz05/07/2019 14:45

Shoke qelbesira dhe rrugaçe te ridhjerjes siçiliste! Merrni nje brisk te madh, mpreheni mir e mir dhe bashke me shokun Edver, grusht bashkuar rreth partise, shkoni e rruajani topet armikut te kllases puntore, Z. Klement Zguri!

Shqiptari05/07/2019 14:19

Njoftojeni edhe ate bushtren plakaruqe Clover te ODIHR, miushin Soreca, trapin Borchardt dhe kete bukuranen e ambasades se SHBA, Ones. Ta marrin vesh se sa te qeta dhe pozitive u bene votimet komunisto-moniste ne Shqiperine e rilindjes se krimit. Ta marrin vesh se çfare kryeministri mafioz po mbeshtesin. O djem! Rrembeni armet! O vdekje, o liri dhe demokraci! Koha nuk pret!

Nani05/07/2019 13:11

Njerez kapni pushket,kriminelet e krye kriminelit Rama po na vijne tek pragu i shtepise.

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