Democrat and LSI youth forums set up a roadblock on PM Rama’s way home

Democrat and LSI youth forums set up a roadblock on PM Rama’s way home

14:49, 13/04/2018
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Members of youth forums of the Democratic Party (PD) and Socialist Movement for Integration (LSI) have blocked Premier Edi Rama’s way home by setting up a roadblock in the road leading to his house in Surrel, in Tirana’s outskirts.

PD and LSI youths gathered in the entrance of Surrel where they set up the roadblock just like Rama did with the tollbooths in the Road of the Nation highway, where a protest took place against the new high toll imposed by the government.


    Lexo edhe:


    Kuksiani nga Surreli13/04/2018 15:24

    Uaaaaa mami. Jam tek restoranti, nuk e kisha per bllokimin e rruges. Por meqe ra fjala, nuk kane rruge dytesore, pa pengesa/pagesa fshataret e Surrelit, qe te shkojne ne shtepi, njesoj si kuksianet qe i bien nga shtegu i dhise, meqe rrugen ua kane bere me pagese?

    Tarasi 13/04/2018 15:08

    Mire do te ishte tia vinin traun tek hyrja e kryeministrise!

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