Basha promises €100 raise for the pensions of the politically persecuted

Basha promises €100 raise for the pensions of the politically persecuted

16:43, 20/02/2021
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Democratic Party Chairman Lulzim Basha presented today the program for the former politically persecuted with the promise his government will raise their pensions with 100 Euros.

“The Democratic Party has pledged concrete and doable commitments in rapport with the persons that were persecuted politically by the communist regime. We promise to pay all the obligations to their families within our first term”, said Basha.

“We promise to create the instrument and fund to find the bodies of executed persons within the first 100 days. Our government will offer scholarships and soft loans for dwelling to the young couples that are offspring of the politically persecuted. We will reimburse health services and raise their pensions with 100 Euros”.


Lexo edhe:


Vendi yne 20/02/2021 17:10

Kjo deklarate eshte rraciste.Pse per te burogosurit po dhe per pensionistet e tjere jo???Te gjithe ne Shqiperi ne ate kohe kane qene te burgosur.Shqiperia ka qene nje burg i hapur.Me kete deklarate tregon se nuk ke per te bere asgje.Shumica e te burgosurve politike kane vdekur dhe kur duhej ju nuk ja u dhate demshperblimet.Kjo deklarate eshte e poshter.Populli yne ka vuajtur i gjithe dhe ti je maskara.Mallkuar qofsh.Perderisa kerkon koalicione me PR tregon se sa i paafte je.Rama kurva Kur erdhi ne pushtet u rriti rrogen ju byth q.....deputet.Kjo tregoj se ai nuk ishte per popullin dhe se ishte i poshter

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