Opposition chief Basha says Premier Rama’s rise to power marked the start of murders and robberies

Opposition chief Basha says Premier Rama’s rise to power marked the start of murders and robberies

15:18, 11/04/2019
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Democratic Party chairman Lulzim Basha has launched heavy accusations against the Albanian government after the armed robbery in Tirana’s International Airport Mother Theresa.

Speaking from the party headquarters, Basha said the armed theft showed the police failure and the collapse of State before crime, blaming Premier Edi Rama for thinking only how to steal Albania along with his oligarchs.

According to the Democrat chief, the theft is a part of the whole that is currently happening in the country.

“48 hours later… questions are added but the answers are missing. Rama is trying to hold responsible a private company for the failure of the police and government, and for the fall of State”, Basha said.

He said the serious incident could have been prevented, adding the murders and abductions of businesspeople have started with Rama’s rise to power.

“Crime rules in Albania. The government and the Albanian State are responsible for the security in the airport, not the company”, Basha said.

He also spoke about Admir Murataj, the armed robber that was killed after exchanging fire with the police.

“Admir Murataj was never caught, despite the warrant against him and he made four robberies in three years”.

© SYRI.net

Lexo edhe:


Gramoz11/04/2019 17:16

Qelbesirat e Ridhjerjes erdhen me ndihmen e krimit ne pushtet, dhe kriminelet nuk e luftojne njeri tjetrin por perkundrazi bejne marrveshje per territore. I ndjeri Pjeter Arbnori thoshte keta nuk jan socialista, keta jan specialista, e harruat premtimin Ridhjersit Shalsi kur tha se ne nuk do vjedhim si keta? Shalsi dhe Ridhjerja ne fakt nuk po e mbajne premtimin, ata po vjedhin haptas fare edhe ne mes te dites, por edhe ne vendet qe presupozohen me te sigurtat ne vend. Per keta ndyresira armiqte e vertete jane ata fakiret e bregut te lumit, ata te unazes se re dhe te gjith ata qe protestojne dhe jau heqin kallajin çdo dit kesaj klike dhe ketij sekti te urryer.

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