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Albanian PM Rama includes the disqualified judge again in the list of candidatures for the Strasbourg Court

Albanian PM Rama includes the disqualified judge again in the list of candidatures for the Strasbourg Court

14:11, 20/04/2018
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The Council of Europe has requested from the Albanian government to present a list of three most suitable candidatures in the framework of the process for the election of the new Albanian judge in the European Court of Human Rights.

Among the candidatures, Rama’s government has included that of Sokol Berberi, whose candidature has been disqualified once after the vetting process in Strasbourg.


Lexo edhe:


kuca20/04/2018 17:52

Po dihet se eshte mbesa e Petrit Dumes dhe mikja e Agacit

Asi20/04/2018 15:51

Eshte e treta here qe kunati i Xhafes konkuron edhe pse Strasburgu e rezoi 2 here. Te gjith institucionet duan ti zene qe te genjejne lehtedisjt. Iku vapa me gusjtin, nuk perseriten me keto 5 vjet me mbeshtetjen absolute te nderkombetareve qe u dehen nga llojet e drogave te prodhuara e importuara nga rilindasit. Sot fryn era. Trump......edhe kete here kjo kandidatire do bjere...

artan20/04/2018 14:36

Po Elira Kokona nuk duhet te jete se eshte ne pozicion politik si sekretare e pergjithshme e MD-se. Skualifikohet direkt...

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