Police detain four militants who were buying votes in Pukë

Police detain four militants who were buying votes in Pukë

16:36, 23/06/2017
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Police Department of Puka has taken into custody four persons who were caught with a considerable amount of cash, divided in envelopes, and a small quantity of cannabis, presumably for personal use.

The detainees are known as supporters and kin of representatives of the Socialist Party, with the nephew of the local branch chairman among them.

Despite being a serious crime, vote buying and narcotics possession, the police have not given an official announcement yet.

    © SYRI.net

    Lexo edhe:


    Iliri23/06/2017 17:29

    Po nga e dini ju qe jane te partise socialiste... mos u genjeni o lexues... po u bejne mendjen llalle militantve te pd-se...

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