Opposition chief Basha appeals to Premier Rama to listen to the fans chants and leave

Opposition chief Basha appeals to Premier Rama to listen to the fans chants and leave

13:48, 18/11/2019
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Democratic Party chairman Lulzim Basha appealed to Premier Edi Rama to listen to the chants of thousands of Albanian soccer fans and open way to free and fair elections.

Fans in the new Air Albania stadium chanted “Rama go” during the Euro 2020 qualifier versus world champions France. Basha repeated the fans calls, inviting Rama to listen to the citizens and step down.

“We all listened to the echo of the Albanians’ voice in the stadium last night. (It’s) a clear message of the proud and determined Albanians that told Edi Rama to leave and free the country from the failed governance and corruption”, Basha said in a meeting with farmers in Lezha today, where he continued his national tour of hope.

“It’s not only the opposition, all Albanians request this, so he’d better listen to the voice of the Albanians and open way for free and fair elections, earlier parliamentary and municipal elections in accordance with the Constitution, which would be the solution to this serious crisis”.

© SYRI.net

Lexo edhe:


Arian 18/11/2019 15:09

Po mo si jo do hapi krahun si jo. O Bash ti duhet ta detyrosh se haroje ate se po te thot hajde merre karriken. Po jeni bashk me duket spo me pelqen menyra sesi po veproni. Mendimi im eshte.

i deleguari18/11/2019 14:33

“Të gjithë e dëgjuam jehonën e zërit të shqiptarëve dje në stadium. mesazh i qartë i shqiptarëve krenarë dhe të vendosur , që i thanë Edi Ramës largohu, çliroje vendin nga qeverisja jote e dështuar, nga korrupsioni. Hap rrugën." Mos u cudisni ,nuk ju kane bere as veshet,as syte,bile as nuk jeni budallallepsur nga qe nuk kuptoni asgje. Ky eshte Lulzim Basha ne Lezhe. Ai e fton kreun e meduzes,te jape doreheqjen,se po qeveris keq,se nuk eshte vetem opozita po te gjithe kete kerkojne! Olandezi fton Edvin Mafine te degjoje kerkesen e shqipatereve per te hapur rrugen per zgjedhje te lira te ndershme e terri e verri. Olandezi fton me temenare alla evropianiste njeriun qe ka uzurpuar te gjithe pushtetet ne Shqiperi dhe vazhdon me kembengulje te beje ligje e VKM per te vjedhur edhe nga buka e perditeshme e cdo shqipetari ! Kerkesa te tilla,vetem mbysin shpresen! Fatkeqesi sa s'ka ku shkon me keq...arsyetim imbecile . A ka njeri qe mund te shpresoje tek ky Lulzim? Hajde gjeje cfare e shtyn ne keto qendrime _halli apo budallalleku!!! Aferim o Lulzim!

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