Albanian Premier Rama ‘derailed’, threatens openly North Macedonia

Albanian Premier Rama ‘derailed’, threatens openly North Macedonia

15:38, 15/06/2019
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North Macedonian President Stevo Pendarovski’s statement on separating North Macedonia from Albania in the process of opening the accession membership with the European Union has derailed completely Albanian Premier Edi Rama.

With an undiplomatic tone and even threatening Rama addressed publically to President Pendarovski by tweeting: President @SPendarovski implicitly favours “decoupling from Albania”? Strange to hear this, especially when one considers the key contribution of Albania&Albanians in our friendly neighbour’s state democratic developments&European path. Doesn’t sound right nor practical frankly!”.

Rama’s position reveals three scandalous facts. First, Rama hopes the EU members will show the green light to Albania by “treating” it en bloc with the North Macedonia.

How the achievements of a neighbor country, like the name agreement with Greece could be used by Albania to open the much expected negotiations only Rama can explain. The negotiations are opened if domestic reforms are performed not by blackmailing one’s neighbors.

The second scandal with Rama’s declaration is the language he uses, which implies he considers the ethnic Albanians of North Macedonia as his soldiers who could rebel at his wish not only against Pendarovski but also against the Macedonian citizens.

It’s the most irresponsible declaration that not only provokes the Macedonians but the Macedonia Albanians too. With the serious crisis he has provoked in Albania, Rama not only fades Albania’s key roleas a factor of stability, but by blackmailing and threatening the North Macedonian President he does nothing else but exporting the crisis to the North Macedonia, damaging seriously Albania’s image and role in the region.

After plunging Albania in chaos, being directly involved in the idea of Kosovo’s border correction and now by threatening Macedonia Rama is turning into a dangerous politician that endangers not only Albania’s European perspective but also the peace, stability and security in the Western Balkans.


Lexo edhe:


Shqiptari15/06/2019 17:17

Ti komentues Maloku, qenke malok vertet. Ju lutem mos me keqekuptoni, nuk e kam fjalen per malesoret fisnike, burra, trima dhe te mencur nga jugu ne veri dhe nga lindja ne perendim. Per sqarim gjuhesor: Malesoret jane ata njerez qe jetojne ne zonat malore ne cdo pjese te vendit. Ndersa maloket jane njerez te pa arsimuar, me nivel te ulet intelekti dhe mentaliteti, njerez pa llogjike dhe arsye, njerez idiote, injorante dhe te trashe ne kuptimin e plote te fjales, lehtesisht te mashtrueshem dhe te genjyeshem. Keta maloke gjenden ne cdo pjese te Shqiperise, ne male, ne kodra dhe ne fusha, ne qytete dhe ne fshatra. Shembull tipik i malokeve jane ky Maloku qe shkruan ketu dhe te gjithe ata qe vazhdojne u shkojne pas marrezive dhe idotesive te rilindasve Edvin Rama dhe Lali Plehu. Uroj qe te mos jene bere shume, se na moren ne qafe!

Shqiptari15/06/2019 17:04

O Kryeminister Bole!!!! Maqedonia e Veriut beri zgjedhje Parlamentare dhe Presidenciale pa asnje kontestim nga palet ne gare. Shteti i Maqedonise se Veriut i ka te gjitha institucionet shteterore funksionale. Maqedonia e Veriut nuk u kanabizua kurre! Ne Parlamentin e Maqedonise se Veriut nuk ka kriminele, hajdute dhe injorante. Hapjen e negociatave duhet ta meritosh dhe jo ta lypesh si lypsar morracak!

Daj Jaku15/06/2019 16:56

I Maloku, fillo pak e nga pak të bëhesh malësor. Neve do vëmë veto.......????!!???? Obobo çmë dëgjojnë veshët!!!!! Miza në bythë të kalit kujton se po tërheq karrocën !!! Nga disa komente të tilla arrij të kuptoj se përse ne shqiptatët qeverrisemi nga personazhe të tillë si enveri ose edveri.

Maloku15/06/2019 16:21

Rama ka thene njete vertete. Problemi i emrit te Maqedonise nuk ka lidhje me te ardhmen e saj. Emri ka qene teke e Greqise. Po sikur te themi ne shqiptaret kushti yne per te ardhmen e Maqedonise te jete trajtimi i shqoptareve ne kete shtet. Ne jemi antar i NATO-s dhe po te duam i veme veto Maqedonise.

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