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Alizoti’s testimony, Salianji says he has no acquaintance with ‘such characters, it’s Rama that makes them deputies’

Alizoti’s testimony, Salianji says he has no acquaintance with ‘such characters, it’s Rama that makes them deputies’

15:03, 10/10/2018
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Democrat MP Ervin Salianji commented about the video recording he made public on Tuesday evening, showing Fredi Alizoti, accused by the government of impersonating the Interior Minister’s brother in an earlier wiretapped conversation that showed the implication of the minister’s brother in international drug traffic. The video published by Salianji shows Alizoti saying he was taken in the car of the Director General of State Police, Ardi Veliu, and sent to the Prosecution for Serious Crimes. During the road trip, he claimed Veliu asked him to play the role of the person that had impersonated Agron Xhafaj.

Salianji told Fax News today Alizoti is more trustable in the video than in the court where he has been under threat like he says in the video.

“I have no personal acquaintance with Fredi Alizoti. He is saying the truth in this case because there’s no pressure and it’s clear he’s not lying. He has been used by the State Police to create a case in favor of the Interior Minister”, Salianji said. “I do not know him or Albert Veliu. It is Rama that makes these characters deputies”.

Salianji rejected the claim Alizoti was paid to impersonate Agron Xhafaj.



Lexo edhe:


Krist10/10/2018 20:23

Te cudit fakti,se si nje maxhorance e tere,nje polici,nje prokurori,po bejne cmos per te mbyllur ceshtjen Agron Geron Xhafa ,qe indirekt eshte per te mbrojtur Ministrin e brendshem Fatmirin,ashtu sic bene edhe me Saimir Tahirin.Pse e gjithe kjo gjurrulldi?Kuptohet qarte dhe paster,se keta ministra (te brendshem),jane vene ne kete detyre,nga Kryeministri,per te mbrojtur gjithe veprimtarine kriminale,vjedhjet e pasurive te shqiptareve,per te kanabizuar gjithe vendin,duke aktivizuar masivisht policine e shtetit (mos harroni se vetem ne qeverine e Rames,jane ndrruar tre drejtore te pergjithshem Policie),trafikimin e drogerave.Pra,po dolen zbuluar keta (Fatmiri,se Saimiri ka dale me kohe i zbuluar,bile edhe nga italianet,Albert Veliu,Balla i kudo ndodhuri-jo vetem per peshkim-)zbulohet edhe detyra qe i eshte dhene Arta Markes,te shkaterroje gjithe prokurorine,qe te mos e marre vesh-kurre-i pari-te dytin dhe Rama,te mbreteroje i qete ,si ne parajsat fiskale,ashtu dhe ne Shqiperi.Dhe Shqiptaret RRIJNE E VESHTROJNE,nga poshte,lartgjatesine e tije,shkaterrimtarin e gjithe vendit dhe ketij,populli.

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