Saimir Tahiri speaks one day before the Parliaments vote for his immunity

Saimir Tahiri speaks one day before the Parliaments vote for his immunity

12:33, 24/10/2017
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Former Interior Minister Saimir Tahiri has tried to defend himself and explain his position in a press conference in the Parliament building today. Tahiri is under investigation on drug trafficking charges, following the arrest of Moisi Habilaj in Italy.

Tahiri considered the process as politic and promised to face it successfully.

“If there’s a window, however small, for the truth to come out, I’ll be there, not with words and gossip, but with proof. The sacred right not the political debate is important to me. I am ready to pay the price of truth with everything I have and I will find it by myself, without any help or support of any kind. I am now a citizen without any power”, Tahiri told media reporters.

“As you can see, I have secured this document from the Prosecution of Catania. It is dated 23 (October) and it says there is no penal proceedings for the citizen Saimir Bashkim Tahiri. So, the prosecution of Catania, which has investigated for four years the criminal group where I allegedly was participating, has not found anything to start the penal process against me and it says there is no investigation over me so far. Then, how is it possible our prosecution asks my arrest?”, Tahiri said.

“Didn’t the prosecutors say they were waiting for papers from Italy? I am waiting too. Was it so hard for them to receive the same answer I received within 24 hours? In those answers one can understand there is a Saimir that has some trucks and deals with drugs trafficking and I couldn’t be the gang’s boss, chauffeur and porter at the same time”.

“How is it possible the prosecution accepted publically they did not know I had asked for an enquiry over Habilajs, the car and anything was said for the implication in the drugs traffic? How is it possible they didn’t know they have investigated for over a year and have given no answer?”.

“How come that political race – where Luli (Basha) and Monika (Kryemadhi) are the leaders – and all kinds of pundits did not bother to make a minimal verification like this I did, but simply unleashed their fantasy?, Tahiri asked.

Tomorrow the parliament will vote for the prosecution request to revoke Tahiri’s immunity, in order to arrest him.


Lexo edhe:


Katunar ne Europe24/10/2017 17:12

Edhe trimat qajne per mikun shokun e te afermin se jane njerez por kur jane burra trima qe qajne per bythen e tyre loti eshte si pika urine qe te shpetojne ne breke nga frika. Kjo letra e Tahirit edhe ne komunen me te humbur nuk leshohet ne kete format. Kushe eshte ai idiot qe mendon se kjo leter eshte e leshuar nga nje zyre ligj zbatuese ne Itali? Cdo leter e leshuar nga cdo dikaster ka shume gjera te shkruajtura koken e letres tek te cilat jane te gjithe te dhenat e dikasterit apo zyres leshues si edhe emrin e atij personi qe e ka leshuar (nenshklruar) ate leter. Ne ate leter duhej te shkruhej edhe aresyeja perse eshte leshuar ajo leter dhe ne kete rast duhet te thuhej se eshte leshuar ne baze te kerkese se paraqitur nga Saimir Tahiri. Dhe me kryesorja qe Prokuroria e Catania te leshoje nje leter te tille id duhen disa dite investigimi. Nese nenshkruesi i letres pretendohet se perfaqeson dikasterin apo zyren qe leshon letren tek nenshkrimi i tije percaktohet kjo psh .."il procuratore x" ose thjeshte "Prosecuzione di Catania" dhe poshte saje firma. Me kesi letra hallvaxhinjsh nuk behet shtet ne Shqiperi

miri24/10/2017 12:48

po pse or trap,se nuk ka nisur hetim per ty katania,kjo nuk do te thote qe te mos nise prokuroria jone,nuk ke qene ti nen hetim nga italianet,o i marrosur,por habilajt

Koment24/10/2017 12:47

Mire edhe Katania nuk ka prova por kjo nuk provon se ky eshte i pafajshem. Para ca kohesh vdiq ne burg nje person i arrestuar per lidhje te paligjshme dritash. Ai i ngrati s'kish kujt t'i ndersente dhembet ka apo ska prova por e futen ne burg. Ky kodoshi me goje telendari ka guxim dhe i ben karshillek nje shteti te tere. Mjaftojne gjyslyqet 10000$ dhe ska nevoje per prova te tjera. O ka vjedhur ky o i ati qe e ka patur farmacist se nuk ben vaki te kete kursyer rrogen e tij 1 vit per nje pale gjyslyqe allafrenga.Nuk folem ketu per makinen 20 e kusur euro etj.

TIRANA24/10/2017 12:44

Prokuroria me tre Tropojanet eshte bere pak qesharake!

Daj Jaku24/10/2017 12:42

Ti je thjesht një zv. kryebandit që kryetari i mafjes të bëri ministër rendi (të krimit kundër popullit). Vetëm për pushimin dhe arrestimin e Dritan Zaganit duhet të paguash nja 20 vjet burg or brrac onxho bonxho burracak. Na jep edhe "konferenca shtypi politike", shko e hiq dorë nga imuniteti si çdo qytetar, i bëre presion kryekarministrit për të të fshehur pas potureve të mbushura. Provo edhe ti atë që u ke bërë të tjerëve.

t24/10/2017 12:41

ky ka lajthitur me keq se ustai vet.

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