Mark Marku against Mustafaj: Let’s keep Basha, don’t call for his resignation

Mark Marku against Mustafaj: Let’s keep Basha, don’t call for his resignation

13:19, 26/06/2017
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University professor and media analyst Mark Marku considers as hasty and premature former Foreign Minister Besnik Mustafaj’s call for Democratic Party Chairman Lulzim Basha’s resignation.

Marku said it is necessary to wait for the final result before making analyses and a political figure such as Mustafaj should be inclined towards his party’s interest.

“Mustafaj’s declaration is hasty. A figure of the Democratic Party must wait for the final result before making analyses. Someone who is in a political formation must wait till the last moment for a result overthrow”, Marku said.

“It was premature, just those who called for the resignation of PD chairman in the middle of the campaign, no matter whether they are right or wrong. The content may be right, but timing is wrong”.


Lexo edhe:


jak ndoci26/06/2017 19:32

Nje rresht pergjigje per Mustafajn ,,,Gjykimi i tille ,i cili ka ne mbrendesine e vet te gjitha nuancat, eshte pragu i deshtimit tend,,,Reagimi i Markut njerzore Hamendsimet e Fevziut ,si gjithmone ne pragun e arsytimit minore ,,,Zoti Mustafaj duhet ta dini se ne cdo mundesi te komentimeve te mija ,emri i juaj ka qene kryefjala e deshires per tu perfshire,,, une, ti ,si shume te tjere jemi shkaku i vertet i deshtimit te PD. po permend vec 2 faktore qe, ne nje fare menyre nuk varen nga ne : 1- a eshte bere e djathta nje force e tille sa te masivizoje opinione dhe te behet force drejtuese? 2- a jane kontigjentet e se djathtes te tille sa te pranojn te hane bare, vecse ( ju te mos perqaheni)? Ne nje fare menyre, a do pranonte (Jozefina) qe pertej te gjithave te dilte per te bere fushate?! Zoti Mustafaj, duhet te kuptosh thelbesoren qe , aty ku do mbaronte analiza e gjithesecilit per situaten e se djathtes, ne fakt ateher fillon trajtimi i problemeve... Si fund, Une do the thonja , e gezofshi DRAMEN popull shqiptare... sepse 80% e se djathtes reale jane ( arratisur tashme)...

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