Basha accuses Sali Berisha of plotting against the Democratic Party with Premier Rama

Basha accuses Sali Berisha of plotting against the Democratic Party with Premier Rama

12:29, 11/11/2021
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Democratic Party Chairman Lulzim Basha rejected his predecessor Sali Berisha’s announcement of gathering 4200 signatures in the petition for the convocation of the Democrat National Assembly, saying Berisha is bluffing.

The former chairman started a talking tour across the country to meet the party base and appealed to the Assembly delegates to sign for the convocation of an extraordinary session at the wake of the latest developments. Berisha was suspended from the Democrat parliamentary group by Basha for the period of his legal battle with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

On Wednesday, Berisha announced 4200 delegates had signed for the convocation of the extraordinary Assembly, but Basha refused to believe it.

“Berisha has been Democratic Party chairman for a long time, he knows the Statute and party rules very well”, Basha said. “He knows how the Assembly mechanisms are set in motion. I am deeply disappointed by the mockery with the Democrats. If he really had gathered the signatures he would have consigned them already according to the Statute in order to commence the statutory procedures. But he didn’t do that, because everything was a bluff. What started as a battle for the democratization of the Democratic Party ended as a battle for his personal concerns”.

Basha also accused Berisha of plotting a putsch in the Democratic Party with Edi Rama’s regime.

“I have only one call and invitation for Berisha: Stop wasting the Democrats’ time and energies, stop helping Edi Rama! You did not have the signatures and that was shown yesterday. The Democrat leadership will do everything to restore the Albanians’ hope, including political action. Berisha is fighting a personal battle, not for the Democratic Party”, Basha said.


Lexo edhe:


Pavli11/11/2021 14:21

Keta ushtare te sorosit duhen q- - e nga para e prapa , se ndryshe nuk zene mend.

Fatmir Lohja11/11/2021 14:14

Me miratmin e mender te statutit stalinist,te cilin Basha e miratoi ne kuvendin e pd-se,po kerkon te mbroje karriken e vet.Kuvendi kombetare i pd-se duhet te mblidhet per te miratuar nje statut partije demokratik.Pas miratimit te statutit te ri,hapen gara per strukturat e reja te pd-se.Ngutja e doktorit qe kerkon kryetarllekun e partise,dhe te qeverise,e distancon elektoratin gri mga zallamahija ne PD.Doktori e di mire,se pa mbeshtetjen e elektoratit gri,nuk ka rotacion politik.

Xufe11/11/2021 13:30

Leri këto Lulë Rama se nuk i beson njeri këto broçkulla,nuk u beson as vetë ti,nuk ke asnjë mundësi ta pegosh reformimin dhe ringritjen e PD me liderin historik të saj sepse këtë e do anëtarësia e PD për të kryer detyrën e saj si opozitë reale perballë regjimit dhe jo siç e bëre ti këto 8 vite fasadë të Edi Ramës,e vetmja rrugë që ke është t'a lësh të qetë PD se demokratët të njohin shumë mirë tashmë. Do perfundosh në koshin e plehrave të historisë që shite PD te Rama dhe Soros për 8 vite duke shkelur mbi sakrificat e demokratëve dhe duke pasuruar veten tënde

Niko11/11/2021 12:53

Ik ore legen se na more ne qafe 8vjet me mashtrime

Nipi I Hotit11/11/2021 12:51

Jo nuk eshte ashtu Zoteri. Berisha nuk perse te ti sjelle Ty, Bardhit, Dumes apo Zhupes. Ti ke perjashtuar cdo person qe eshte me Doktorin qe ti e perjashtove. Me barin e Zonjes Kim si jeni. Ju Z Basha eshte mire te beni nje mea culpa dhe te ikesh me dinjitet ose te rrish ashtu si te vendosi kuvendi

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