Socialist congress under curfew

Socialist congress under curfew

11:01, 23/03/2019
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The Socialist Party of Albania (PS) held its national congress today but there were no Socialists there, only “Renaissance” people of the last six years.

What caught the eye was the fact that the congress took place in a real curfew.

No citizens were allowed to pass across the area of the meeting of PS militants from the whole country. State administration ID cards were necessary to join Edi Rama’s congress, while common Socialists were not allowed.


Lexo edhe:


Gramoz23/03/2019 16:05

Edvin bajga dhe lali pedofili, te dy ne kongres me atlete! Serioziteti ne kulm per kongresin dhe kongresmenet e qenerise ridhjeriste. Vine shoke dhe shoqe me ballin lart e duar plot me leket e grabitura popullit me te varfer ne Europe. Parakalojne krenare shoqja hajdute e doganes Mamica Elisa Dylqinja Spirobrima e skenderbuçit, me pas tualet nari dhe erjonka xhepistja e Kombinat-Kinostudio, vjen dhe Arbeni jevgu hajdut i Gjinokastres, Damjani i gurus Indian me supergrabitjen 20milion euro km. Me arritje madheshtore vine edhe kapterrat me 2klas shkolle paulini dhe pjerdhini por edhe dy superidiote si sadri betoni dhe rrahman i pashkolli. Ne perfundim te me fali ndonje ripjerdhes dhe ripjerdhese qe nuk e kam permendur. Rroft kongresi hajduteve, pedofileve, perdhunusve, krimineleve te ripjerdhjes siçiliste, me ne krye kryekarin e pavdekshem shokun edver drog rampallen!

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