Lajmi i fundit

PIRANJAT/ Me Florian Binaj dhe Dojna Mema

Statistics, Albania will have a drop in the work force starting from 2021

Statistics, Albania will have a drop in the work force starting from 2021

16:30, 06/03/2019
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For the first time in a century Albania is expected to face a drop in the work force. An analyses of the Bank of Albania based on the latest demographic projections of the Institute of Statistics, INSTAT, has concluded that starting from 2021 the work force in Albania will drop, having a negative impact on the economy.

“INSTAT projections show that in the next three years the age groups of 15-19 and 20-24 will have significant drops. This tendency marks the starting point of the dropping trend for the total of population in working age in Albania”, said the Bank of Albania.


    Lexo edhe:


    tironci06/03/2019 16:37

    Jo po do rrin pa pune tu prit zyrat e mutsimit qe ka ndertu Rama. Qe punso vetem ripjellsat e askend tjeter. Bile dhe ripjellsat bojn luft me njoni tjetrin ku ze post minister drejtor qe ka vartsa ne pune shkon i mshin ca ka lon pasardhsi e fut ne pune tarafin e vet. Me kaq pak pune sa ka biznesi ne Shqipni e me ket lufte te ripjelljes ca vene pune ngelin per rinine e per robt. Zgjidhja ikja masive me gjet copen e bukes jashte me letra e pa letra boll me jetu. Ky o shteti ripjelljes qe polli ket shemtine sociale qe gabimisht quhet shtet.

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