Democrat MP Salianji accuses PM Rama and IM Xhafaj of destroying the evidence for the minister’s brother

Democrat MP Salianji accuses PM Rama and IM Xhafaj of destroying the evidence for the minister’s brother

11:58, 05/10/2018
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Democratic Party MP Ervin Salianji testified today in the Prosecution for Serious Crimes for the implication of Interior Minister Fatmir Xhafaj’s brother in the international drugs traffic.

Salianji told media reporters he testified in order to leave no excuse for the Prosecution not to continue till the end the investigation over Agron Xhafaj.

“Fatmir Xhafaj cannot investigate over himself. Today he leads the investigation over his brother, caught in traffic. He and Rama are working to bury the case, that’s why I have no trust in the Prosecution. The case has been stalled for two months to give Xhafaj and Rama the possibility to destroy the evidence”, Salianji said.

He added the Albanian authorities allowed Agron Xhafaj to leave the country to serve the old sentence in Italy so he could avoid being charged with drug trafficking in Albania, with the support of his minister brother.

“Today Agron Xhafaj is in prison while his brother is minister, for his own shame”.


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