The Democratic Party decides for a big protest on January 27 before Premier Rama’s office

The Democratic Party decides for a big protest on January 27 before Premier Rama’s office

12:34, 09/01/2018
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The Albanian opposition will gather in a protest rally on January 27, according to the decision taken by Democratic Party chairman Lulzim Basha after a meeting with the Democrat Parliamentary group.

The Democrat leader met the chairpersons of the districts branches to instruct them about the preparations for the protest.

The protest will take place before the Prime Minister’s office in Tirana’s main boulevard. The Socialist Movement for Integration (LSI) will join the right-wing parties in the rally, with chairwoman Monika Kryemadhi gathering the branches leaders today for a total mobilization.


Lexo edhe:


t09/01/2018 12:50

e ka te qarte luli se me protestat nuk luhet më, se nqs fillojne duhet te shkojne deri ne fund me kapitullimin e qeverise.

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