Interior Minister Xhafaj rejects responsibility about his trafficking brother: What he does is not my business

Interior Minister Xhafaj rejects responsibility about his trafficking brother: What he does is not my business

14:15, 12/09/2017
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Interior Minister Fatmir Xhafaj spoke for the first time ever about his brother’s involvement in drugs traffic, refusing to take any responsibility for what his familiars do and rejecting the accusations from the opposition that he is connected to crime and refused.

Xhafaj’s brother has been involved in international drugs trafficking in Italy and the Interior Minister said his familiars are adults and if they violate the law they should suffer the consequences.

“Anyone that violates the law and is an adult, let suffer for it. Even if what you say is true, I have the right to ask: What is my legal and political responsibility? Let alone legal, but there is neither a political one. I have been in politics for 20 years and I’m ready to answer for my responsibilities. I will not reply to your music”, Xhafaj said in the parliament today.

Xhafaj added the Democratic Party had the Interior Ministry in the technical cabinet, but found no evidence to support what they say.

“Where are the facts and the national and international evidence? How come you did not insist and dig to find them? Where would you find a better occasion?”, Xhafaj challenged the Democratic Party.


Lexo edhe:


Jani Paskuci12/09/2017 15:26

Prap me muhabetet e 2010 , kta ishin ne pushte ca sgjeten gje ? po tani pse i hapin prap , clidhje ka xhafa njehere me ca ben i vllai nga italia a ku ta dime ne si njerez qe jemi . boll mo me kto gjonash se na eshte bere bajat

Guri Qirjazi12/09/2017 15:21

Tamam , jane ne pushtet rrine , bien nga pushteti shajne per budalliqet qe kane bere vet . Pse nuk investiguan kur ishin ne pushtet apo do vidhnin ate kohe ?

Alket Uzuni12/09/2017 15:17

Po kunati jo o luli? Apo at se quan ti. opozit qe ska me ca merret , vetem fjal boshe ka

Refat Lolaj12/09/2017 15:16

Zoti Xhafa eshte nje person me nje integritet per ti vlersuar. Kurr ska qen objket i akuzave, por kto merren me fjal rruge qe kurr nuk u vertetuar edhe pse kan te gjithe gjyqsorin akoma ne dore

Sandri Bregu12/09/2017 15:12

Ishte hera e pare qe flet Xhafaj per kete gje dhe shpresojme vertet te jete e fundit, pasi askush nuk e meriton te perbaltet per veprimet e dikujt tjeter. Per vite me rradhe Xhafaj njihet per kontributin e tij ne politike dhe shtet dhe per kete duhet mbajtur mend, jo per historira te te afermve te papergjegjshem mbase. Qendrim vertet korrekt i z.Xhafaj

Arjan kodra12/09/2017 15:01

Kriminelet qe thone kapni kriminelin.Reforma ne drejtesi do ua tregoje vendin te gjitheve.

Kevinjon12/09/2017 14:53

Ku ndodh kjo ne BE apo edhe ne USA jo e jo qe te kesh vellain baron Droge dhe te behesh Minister i brendshem? Para 7 vjetesh Xhafa ishte thjeshte deputet dhe pa pergjegjesi Shteterore. Ai vete atekohe duhet te kishte dhene doreheqjen nga Morali siç bejne çdo deputet tjeter ne Boten perendimore per raste edhe qrsharake e jo ne per rastet muuu. Argumente Mafiozesh eshte kjo e Xhafes. Po lan mutin me shurre dhe fajin e ka populli tashne qe votoi rishtaz kriminelet Ramiste!

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