Interior Minister Xhafaj asked about his predecessor's speedboat licenses

Interior Minister Xhafaj asked about his predecessor's speedboat licenses

11:36, 08/11/2017
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Interior Minister Fatmir Xhafaj was asked during his report in the Parliament about what he knew  about his predecessor Saimir Tahiri’s two boating licenses.

It was Democrat MP Flamur Noka who asked Xhafaj about the licenses and the way they were issued to Tahiri.

“I do not control the harbours’ territories and do not receive information on what is happening there, because it is police information, excluding the cases when there’s some report”, Xhafaj answered.

“Whenever there’s a violation, the police must do their duty. If they don’t, I do my duty through the Internal Affairs and Complains Service”.


Lexo edhe:


hirushja.....09/11/2017 23:32

Vete noka si i fort e bene pyetje per te fortet e tjere qe sdin tjeter vecse duan te bejne figuren qe gjoja vuri ne veshtiresi ministrin me Ate pyetje qe i beri ,,'po ku ka ngelur noka me patentat e veta????????

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