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Basha threatens drugs dealers and cultivators: Quit selling drugs to children or we’ll obliterate you

Basha threatens drugs dealers and cultivators: Quit selling drugs to children or we’ll obliterate you

12:46, 08/05/2017
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Democratic Party chairman Lulzim Basha has threatened cannabis cultivators and traffickers with severe punishment for their crimes in the New Republic. Basha underlined the negative phenomenon of selling drugs in the schools, threatening the dealers with very harsh words.

“There will be no investment more important than the schools for the children. No more drugs in the schools, or else a long and hard time in prison awaits! I’d make an appeal to all the criminals that poison the Albanian children to quit, or you’re screwed! We’ll punish with the same severity both those who point guns to policemen and those who sell drugs to children. We’ll obliterate you!”, Basha said.


Lexo edhe:


bojla08/05/2017 14:42

I pari duhet asgjesuar Edvina Kritaq Rama I nderuar Basha. Po nuk bere kete kot e merr pyshtetin

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