Këlliçi publishes document with Mayor Erion Veliaj’s signature as the owner and guarantor of Tirana’s waste incinerator

Këlliçi publishes document with Mayor Erion Veliaj’s signature as the owner and guarantor of Tirana’s waste incinerator

13:35, 14/08/2023
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The former candidate of the right-wing coalition Together We Win for the Municipality of Tirana on May 14 election, Belind Këlliçi, has published today another document in which Mayor Erion Veliaj’s signature appears again as the owner and guarantor of Tirana’s (inexistent) waste incinerator.

“Today we are showing further proof that the Mayor has more than one signature involved in the affair and has made commitments beyond those he declares publicly”, Këlliçi wrote on his Facebook page.

“Erion Veliaj with his signature, again as the owner and guarantor of Tirana’s Incinerator

Since until today we have only seen one document with the Mayor’s signature, a signature that guaranteed for 30 years the systematic theft of the citizens of Tirana, today we are giving the next proof that the Mayor has more than one signature involved in the affair and has made commitments beyond what he publicly declares. Today we are publishing another document with Veliaj's signature, which proves without a doubt that he not only abused his duty by bypassing the Municipal Council and violating the Law "On Local Self-Government", but he, with his signature, commits to perform all actions at the Sharra landfill and serve his business with Mërtiri.

Erion Veliaj with his signature states in black and white that he not only assumes making all payments for the deposit and processing of the minimum amount of waste at the price of €29 per ton (without VAT) throughout the duration of the Agreement (so for the next 30 years), but he is also committed to provide assistance for all procedures related to the construction and operation of Tirana’s waste incinerator. He also, with his own signature, assumes providing assistance for expropriation processes as well as to avoid any action that contradicts the Contract, its spirit and annexes. So it guarantees that theft through the ghost incinerator of Tirana will continue for three decades.

In short, Erion Veliaj guarantees that he will not only financially engage the Municipality of Tirana in this affair for 30 years (without having a Decision of the Municipal Council for such a period), but he also assumes the facilitation of all procedures for the construction of this theft monument, because even today as we speak there is NO incinerator in Tirana.

A question for the Mayor: Do you remember what tables you signed and attached to this letter?

We will soon deposit at SPAK (Special Prosecution against Corruption) the complete document, along with the correspondence between the Municipality of Tirana and the Ministry of Infrastructure”.

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