Democrat MP Bardhi invites Ahmetaj to become a collaborator of justice, says PM Rama is the head of the incinerators affair

10:46, 14/07/2023
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Democrat MP Gazment Bardhi appealed to former Deputy Prime Minister Arben Ahmetaj to become a collaborator of justice. The Albanian Parliament assembled today to vote the removal of Ahmetaj’s immunity as requested by the Special Prosecution against Corruption (SPAK) to open the way to his arrest. Ahmetaj is accused of corruption related to the waste incinerators affair, but Bardhi said premier Edi Rama is the actual head of the affair and Ahmetaj should become a collaborator of justice.

“The country’s former deputy Prime Minister, Edi Rama’s right hand, his most credible man, risks no less than 15 years of imprisonment, not only for corruption and abuse of office but also for money laundering through criminal transactions with the two bosses of the waste incinerators. Part of this investigation must be the head of this affair too, which is Edi Rama. Without the help of the Prime Minister no one would be able to make 17 decisions in a single day. I invite Ahmetaj to become a collaborator of justice”, Bardhi said in the parliament today.

Earlier, former Prime Minister Sali Berisha also said Edi Rama must answer in the parliament in Ahmetaj’s absence. Berisha accused Rama of ordering and helping Ahmetaj to flee the country.


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