Kosovo designates Serbian groups ‘Civil Protection” and ‘North Brigade’ as terrorist organizations

Kosovo designates Serbian groups ‘Civil Protection” and ‘North Brigade’ as terrorist organizations

12:14, 29/06/2023
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The Government of Kosovo has designated two Serbian organizations from the north of the country, Civil Protection (Civilna Zastita) and the North Brigade (Severna Brigada), as terrorist organizations.

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said in the Thursday’s meeting of the cabinet that both the organizations pose serious and direct threat to Kosovo’s security and constitutional order.

“Based on the assessments of security institutions of the Republic of Kosovo, the illegal formations ‘Civil Protection’ and its component ‘North Brigade’ pose serious and direct threat to Kosovo’s security and constitutional order”, Kurti said in the government’s meeting.

Interior Minister Xhelal Sveçla said they are working to identify and react against the threats to the constitutional order and security of Kosovo.

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