President Meta pays homage to his predecessor Nishani: An exemplary statesman and citizen

President Meta pays homage to his predecessor Nishani: An exemplary statesman and citizen

11:51, 02/06/2022
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Albanian President Ilir Meta thanked the late former President Bujar Noshani for his contribution as the Head of State and in other important posts in his career. President Meta paid homage to his predecessor who had his funeral today. Former President Nishani passed away after a several-weeks struggle with Covid-19 complications.

“President Nishani was appreciated for his simplicity and wisdom in the human communication. He will be remember for his calmness and the force of arguments as well as the loyalty to the principles in which he believed”, said Meta.

“As a Head of State he worked with rare dedication to guarantee the rights and freedoms of our citizens. Bujar Nishani believed till the end in the democracy and the national interest”.

“We thank you him for the model he brought as an exemplary statesman, politician, family man, and citizen. May the memory of President Bujar Nishani be unforgettable”.


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