MP Shehaj: SPAK must arrest Foreign Minister Xhaçka and the ‘architects’ of the incinerators affair

MP Shehaj: SPAK must arrest Foreign Minister Xhaçka and the ‘architects’ of the incinerators affair

20:04, 10/04/2022
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Democratic Party MP Agron Shehaj said today the Special Prosecution against Corruption (SPAK) must arrest the initiators behind the waste incinerators corruptive affairs and so-called strategic investors like Foreign Minister Olta Xhaçka. Shehaj was commenting Premier Edi Rama’s complaints over the incarceration of a former deputy minister of the interior after she was found guilty of receiving bribes in the form of fish and phones.

“Rama makes propaganda and complains that SPAK is unjustly punishing the Socialist Party because of some crates of fish. Ironically, he is right”, Shehaj wrote.

“It is not the crates of fish that made Albania one of Europe’s most corrupt countries according to Transparency International, but the ‘architects’ of the giant corruptive affairs like the one of the waste incinerators, and the use of office for personal interest, like in the case of minister Xhaçka’s family taking the status of a strategic investor. These are the ones that should have been before justice”.


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