Over 4200 delegates sign for the convocation of the Democrat National Assembly, Basha cannot stop it

Over 4200 delegates sign for the convocation of the Democrat National Assembly, Basha cannot stop it

22:47, 09/11/2021
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More than 4200 Democratic Party National Assembly delegates have signed the petition for the convocation of the Assembly, according to the chairman of the local branch in Fier, Luan Baçi. Calls for the National Assembly emerged after Chairman Lulzim Basha decided to suspend his predecessor Sali Berisha from the Parliamentar group for the period of his legal battle with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Basha ignored the calls, saying he would not allow an Assembly that would put in question the decisions of the US government, even though that was never the intention. The Democrat base only wants the Assembly to decide like in Berisha’s case instead of Basha’s personal decision.

Baçi said no one can stop the assembly from gathering after more than 4200 members have signed for its convication.

“From what Berisha said, there are 4200 signatures for the convocation of the National Assembly. Anyone who wishes to stop it should not do it, because it would be immoral”, Baçi said.

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