The Prosecution Offices closes the vetting for US-banned politician Tom Doshi, sends file to the Central Electoral Commission

The Prosecution Offices closes the vetting for US-banned politician Tom Doshi, sends file to the Central Electoral Commission

10:42, 04/11/2021
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The Decriminalization Sector at the General Prosecutor’s Office has closed the verification for former Member of the Parliament Tom Doshi and has sent the file to the Albanian Central Electoral Commission (KQZ).

Now KQZ will review the report and decide over the existence of evidence that is included in the spfere of the “Law on the Guarantee of integrity of persons that are elected, appointed, or exercise public functions”, and evaluate if they are within the period of banning defined by the same law.

Tom Doshi was in the list of 28 candidates for the April 25 elections that the KQZ sent to the Prosecution Office for verifications.

By the other hand, the Prosecution Office asked for information on Doshi from the US Embassy to Albania, based on the fact that the Department of State barred Doshi and his family from entering the US for involvement in “significant corruption”.

US Ambassador Yuri Kim made efforts and calls to prevent Doshi from running in the April general elections. However, Doshi ran and won the race, only to relinquish his MP mandate only five days after the election day.



Lexo edhe:


Aspak udi04/11/2021 15:10

Raportet për të marrë statusin "non grata" u kompozoka këtu nga vemjet sorrrrosiane dhe u noterizokan nga një segment sorrosian në USA. Demaskimi i supertradhtarit është detyrë e çdo shqiptari dinjitoz. Në do të fshehësh një gjë (akt) vëreni në një vend që duket. Tradhëti që kundërmon në mes të ditës. A ka ligje ky vend.

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