The Democratic Party promises to repeal the anti-defamation legislation once it comes to power

The Democratic Party promises to repeal the anti-defamation legislation once it comes to power

13:35, 13/01/2020
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The Democratic Party (PD) declared today it will revoke the anti-defamation legislation passed by Edi Rama’s Socialist majority.

Albana Vokshi, former MP and former chairwoman of the parliamentary Commission of Media made the announcement. “The Democratic Party considers the two laws as anti-constitutional and in violation of the international convents, as censors of the free speech and of the citizens’ right for information”, Vokshi said. “By encouraging the journalists not to fear the government censorship, PD promises to revoke the two laws once it obtains the trust to govern the country”.

Vokshi was speaking after Albanian President Ilir Meta refused to decree the legislation passed by the parliament, adding that Premier Rama will try to pass it again in the parliament.


Lexo edhe:


i deleguari13/01/2020 14:30

Zonja Vokshi,respekt per ju dhe cfare perfaqesoni,por ju lutem mbani parasysh se lufta me cdo lloj "arme" ne krah te nje tarallaku (ne rrastin me te mire e ne mos qofte i shitur) duken si fishekzjarre ne rrast fatkeqesie! Pa larguar Olandezin nuk ka hajer kjo pune,pas tij Rama,e ne fund pushteti qe do bej keto e te tjera anulime ligjesh! Cdo orvatje per te "kaperxyer keto shkalle" ju siguroj se vetem ju largojne nga zgjedhesit dhe rrjedhimisht nga pushteti! Largoni Olandezin !!!

t13/01/2020 14:17

deri atehere portalet e kane hanger sa krahu

someone13/01/2020 14:15

Gjobaxhinj jeni dhe ju! Mjere ky popull per ju, si majtas ashtu edhe djathtas. Ju besimin e keni pak me shume se keta maskarenj qe po qeverisin por jeni me mire ne kete forme, duke bere pazare. Derrdellitet qe asnje shpi nuk do prishej te Astiri, derrdellitet qe trau ne rrugen e kombit nuk do vihej, dhe derrdellima te tilla beni perdite (mos i harroni protestat, ja neser do e rrezojme Ramen thoshit). Pse nuk flisni per Kastratin, per Papulin, per Manen? Apo ua paguan gjoben ata dhe tani jeni ne rregull? Qelbesira jeni te gjithe!

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