Prime Minister Rama expresses his readiness to dialogue with the opposition to solve the crisis

Prime Minister Rama expresses his readiness to dialogue with the opposition to solve the crisis

14:30, 05/04/2019
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Albanian Premier Edi Rama has suddenly withdrawn from his notorious stubbornness and has said he is ready for dialogue with the opposition in order to find a solution to the political crisis.

“Totally agree with the EU Delegation: It’s time for the parties to dialogue. The Electoral Reform, the votes of the emigrants, the voting process, electronic counting, new penalties for votes buy-out, must make us join together. Who left the Parliament has still a place as equal around the reform table”, Rama tweeted today.

    Rama’s declaration comes one day after his meeting with the Director for Western Balkans Genoveva Ruiz Calavera, also chief of the International Monitoring Board in Tirana.

    Calavera also met representatives of the opposition.

     “It is time for the two political sides to come together for the overall good of the country. European Commission Director Calavera met representative of opposition parties to exchange views on the political situation in Albania ahead of the 2019 Commission Annual Report”, the EU Delegation tweeted.



    Lexo edhe:


    BIDO05/04/2019 16:59

    Ne se ka shqiptare, e jo me politikan qe ti besoje ketij mashtruesi, le ta bejne kompromisin, por eshte vrasje per tere opozitarizmin e popullit qe kerkon ndryshim te sistemit pushtetar, e largimin e ketij mashtruesi Bandit narkomann,Vetem atehere do kete bisedime, e kuvendime me mareveshje per ta cuar demokracine ne shinat e duhura.

    Zaho05/04/2019 16:39

    "Te bisedojme per penalitete te reja per blerjen e votes" Me kete, dashje llumi nr -1 i Shqiperise pranon se zgjedhjet e vjetra i ka blere.

    cuf dabjoni05/04/2019 15:34

    A thua ka mesuar sharje te reja e me llafe te pista qe kerkon ballafaqim me kundershtaret....

    tironci05/04/2019 15:00

    Ky palla do bisedime ime. Po ky sosht me pal poltitike me gjith rilindjen. Ato jan nji grup banditesh qe kan shtrembru kaq shum demokracine e brishte shqiptare sa e kan cu ne diktaturen e kriminelve. Dhe me diktatoret ska mo bisedime po ka vetem fshese e burg. Pale ne ket rast osht partia socialiste e vertete dhe pd e lsi qe jan jashte sistemit. Vetem kta mund te vendosin ne shina normale poltiken shqiptare. Rruga e vetme osht me rrexu me hir a me pahir diktaturen e kriminelve me Ramen kryetar. Kush bohet pale me ramen e bon bisedime ka legjitimu diktaturen e kriminelve.

    t05/04/2019 14:59

    Nuk ka dialog me kete km

    vera05/04/2019 14:50

    Hajt,ju vazhdoni dialogun,se une po drejtoj timonin! he mo, si perhere.

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