Democrat chairman Basha attacks the government for doing anything to save Saimir Tahiri

Democrat chairman Basha attacks the government for doing anything to save Saimir Tahiri

12:52, 06/01/2018
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Democratic Party chairman Lulzim Basha attacked the Albanian government of making every efforts to save the former interior minister Saimir Tahiri, under investigation over international drugs traffic charges.

“Saimiri Tahiri made millions from the drugs traffic and is free, whereas the young man Estref Halili, 22, hanged himself in jail one year ago for two grams of hashish”, Basha said today in Fier, where he was celebrating the 27th anniversary of the foundation of the Democratic Party’s local branch.

“The whole government has risen to protect Tahir, but no one said any word for the 22-year-old man who interrupted his life for a joint. Edi Rama became both prosecutor and judge in order to protect Tahiri”.

“Immediately after Rama’s “appointment” as prosecutor, Saimir Tahiri was returned his passport, Orest Sota was released, because Edi Rama want to close the case by all means, otherwise it would be the end of his government”.

“Rama campaigned for a year accusing the opposition of not wanting the vetting. Now he elected the General Prosecutor without vetting, because the obstruction of the real Judiciary Reform is vital to him. But we will not let the country hostage of corruption and crime. It’s an illusion for anyone to believe that a Prime Minister who is caught by crime will have the will to fight crime and make an electoral reform. The opposite is true”.


Lexo edhe:


stilian06/01/2018 20:03

Edhe ti o lul po tall menderen me ne demokratet e thjeshte

Daj Jaku06/01/2018 14:11

Vetëm një gjë nuk na e the kurrë o Luli vocërr. Çfarë ke ndërmend të bësh ti bashkë me "opozitën" për ta ndryshuar këtë gjëndje? Në kushtet kur parlamenti është uzurpuar, zgjedhjet janë blerë, kushtetuta është kthyer në letër higjenike, "drejtësia" është kapur, SHISH është kapur, "prokuroria" është kapur, policia është kapur, ushtria është kapur, mediat janë kapur, ambasadorët janë kapur etj, çfarë të ka mbetur ty të bësh? Të merresh me llafe? Ke 5 vjet që bën vetëm llafe dhe paralajmërime, të ka dalë boja fare. Bëj ndonjë vepër tip Emiljano Zapata. Po qe se ke sadopak burrni.

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