The family of the 7yo victim will ask for UK Embassy’s help: The police are hiding important details

The family of the 7yo victim will ask for UK Embassy’s help: The police are hiding important details

14:03, 06/08/2022
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Ilirjana Kuçana, a professor and a relative of the late Jonada Avdia, the 7-year-old girl that was killed on the beach by a speedboat driven by a police officer in the Albanian Riviera, said the police have hidden important details from the tragedy. Kuçana said the Avdia family will ask for UK Embassy’s help for justice for one of Her Majesty’s subjects since the victim had British citizenship.

“It was a very grave incident. As if the first hit wasn’t enough, he turned and sped up the propellers. Such an act can be done under the influence of narcotics. I have a lot of information, but I cannot say much because we’ve left everything at justice’s hands. The charge pressed by the state police is shameful”, said Kuçana.

After the commissar of community policing was arrested, he was charged with death caused by carelessness, which means the punishment can be from a fine to a 5-year imprisonment sentence if he’s found guilty by the court.

The family relative added they have video footage with important facts and they will be submitted to the prosecution office.


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