EXCLUSIVE/ Edi Rama’s secret meeting in the Netherlands, where Albania’s fate was decided

EXCLUSIVE/ Edi Rama’s secret meeting in the Netherlands, where Albania’s fate was decided

16:31, 31/07/2017
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Immediately after President Ilir Meta’s inaugural ceremony, on July 24, Premier Edi Rama took the charter for a “private” midnight flight to Amsterdam.

It was reported that the Prime Minister had hired a charter for the flight out of the official agenda, but later his press office, forced to confirm the news after the incident with the Dutch police, announced that Rama had taken a flight with a low cost airline.

It was a mere coincidence that revealed the midnight flight of the Albanian Prime Minister. A traveler in the airport witnessed and photographed the moments when the Dutch authorities accompanied Rama for verification. After the revelation of the flight that was kept secret till the last moment, the Premier’s office hurried to clarify it was “only a private visit”.

All the media and the public opinion focused only on the “incident” with the Dutch authorities and later it was forgotten. But, why did Edi Rama really went to the Netherlands at midnight and was that “only a private visit” as his office said?

SYRI.net has learnt from sources that the mysterious travel was not at all for private affairs, but for a broader meeting with famous international names, where it was discussed and decided for Albania’s fate not only for the four years or Rama’s second mandate but also for the decades to come.

It was a meeting organized according to the “Masonic” methodology, where very powerful individuals from politics, finance and lobbying from the whole Europe took part. Former British Premier Tony Blair, also present, was one of the organizers of the meeting.

We did not publish the information as soon as we learnt it, because it was almost impossible to receive details, but quite “suddenly”, yesterday, to our aid came Alistair Campbell, Rama’s British “secret” aide from the time of opposition and right hand of Blair.

In a long article praising Albania under Rama’s lead, published in his blog and in The New European, unintentionally or not, he reveals and confirms the secret meeting, where he was present too.

This is what Campbell writes:

“As for my own involvement here, which now goes back six or seven years, Edi Rama told the story at a dinner last week, where he gathered a group of former Prime Ministers from around Europe, current World Bank advisers, academics, philanthropic organisations, development experts, and communications and strategy advisers, to discuss plans for his second term, having just secured an even bigger mandate than first time round four years ago”.

So, a week ago, a time that corresponds to Rama’s mysterious travel to the Netherlands, a huge group of European VIPs, politicians, philanthropist billionaires, prominent experts of economy and others gathered and talked about Albania’s fate during Rama’s second mandate.

Why was this very important meeting kept hidden to the Albanian public? Since when Albanian Premier’s midnight flights to decide on Albania’s fate are “private agenda”?

A certain response to many questions and doubts is given from Campbell among the lines of his article:

“There is a reason all these outside experts from around the world volunteered to come to Rama’s second term brainstorm. This is a really important, historically volatile, region, and he an important leader within it. Europe’s most serious leader, Angela Merkel, has taken a close interest and has played an active part in encouraging the rapprochement between Albania and Serbia”.

It appears the meeting has defined definitely the lines of the Albanian government for the next four years and the plan “Ex-Yugoslavia plus Albania” has been decided already.

That’s all for now for Rama’s secret meeting for Albania’s fate, waiting for the Prime Minister to give explanations to the parliament and, in particular, to the Albanian people, about what was actually decided there and who were namely these former Premiers, experts and philanthropists “well known worldwide” that have decided for our future.


© SYRI.net

Lexo edhe:


Shqiperia Ndryshe 03/08/2017 07:25

Late name me keto qe publikoni . Nese Z.Kryeminister ka dashur qe ky takim te ishte sekret atehere lereni qe te jete sekret . Ska cfar ju duhet juve me sekretet e shtetit . Babai i familjes ben dhe gjera qe femijet nuk i marrin vesh asnjeher . Duhet me patjeter qe femijet te sqarohen nga Babai i tyre per cdo hap ose vendim qe ai merr ?!! . Mbani vendin tuaj dhe tregoni ato qe duan te tregojne ???????????? MEMA KING

ILIRIA01/08/2017 23:46

Po ajo dihet, që gjithë botën e Sundojnë Masonët, megjithëse dhe këta ndahen në grupe. psh : Illuminati -Skull&Bones (Xhorxh Bush), Bildenberg (Papandreu) etj, Rama në cilin grup bën pjesë ????? Kjo është dhe ARSYEJA QË BERISHA PO RRI ME BISHT NDËR SHALË, sepse kur flasim për MASONËT duhet të kemi parasysh FUQI TË JASHTËZAKONSHME, fuqi të cilat nuk duan tja dijnë as për Presidentët e SHBA-së dhe jo më për Breishën,Kështu duket dhe ARSYEJA se përse DAÇIÇ dhe VUÇIÇ ZBUTËN TONET PËR DARDANINË (Kosova) DHE U BËNË SI PULA TË LAGURA , duhet të kemi parasysh njerëz me INFLUENCË JASHTËZAKONISHT TË MADHE, Xhorxh Bush, Tony Bler, Ronald Regan, janë disa nga antarët e Masonërisë, ndërsa KOKAT JANË. ROKFELER - ROTSCHILD - KENNEDY - ASTOR - OPPENHEIMER (ka në zotërim minierat më të mëdha të diamanteve në Botë), etj etj, Pyetja që duhet bërë është SE ÇFARE E PRET SHQIPËRINË ????,

Uper cost01/08/2017 00:40

I cuditshem ufhetimi me Low Cost, pasi udheton vetem me private jet ose business class ne Europe. Kontrolloni a ka Low Cost nga Rinasi ne 12 te nates ? A fluturon per Amsterdam ? A ka qene me liste te pasagjereve etj etj dhe jepjani Romeo Karajt ta gjurmoje per paret.... Hahahaha, Bilderberget thote nje komentues, "mason" thote nje tjeter, komision Trilateral dikush tjeter..... Mos beni sikur dini gje dhe tregoni teori konspiracioni me ish-kryeministra si Blair o ndonje tjeter qe organizokan takimet. Keta jane isha dhe nuk kane vlere, por edhe po te mos ishin isha perseri jane te tjere ata qe komandojne ...... Keshtu qe ish- basketbollisti edhe kur ish i Ri topat kapte , o jo me tani qe se fut kush ne loje. Mos tregoni politike te madhe, se nje nga kamarieret ne darke ka qene.

mali31/07/2017 19:39

Cfare horrash drejtojne politikat europiane !! Gabimet e luftrave boterore po dashkan ti kthejne prap !! Kjo politike e qelbur e be-se qe tani I vendos vet qeverite ne gjith europen, nuk ka fare nevoj te zgjedh populli ! Ne itali , fuqia e 7 ekonomike ne bote , po qeverisin kryeministra te pa votuar , te patent 4 !! Mendo cbehet ne ballkan !!

Hollandezi31/07/2017 18:53

Ed Rama me keto qe shkruani mund te kete qene vetem ne nje vend..... ne Bilderberg... aty ku vendosen fatet e botes e sigurisht edhe te Shqiperise padyshim....

Sekret qe dalin31/07/2017 17:57

ne Holande, Amsterdam e priste nje makine qe e coj ne anen tjeter te kanalit, ne GB.. aty jane takuar

t31/07/2017 17:32

evropa kurve nuk ja dha kot licensen per kanabizimin, se me ate paloqeverisje qe beri , sduhej te kishte fituar kurre. sigurisht qe i dha dore edhe luli, nuk e dime nese po i jep dore akoma, por ky vend KURRE NUK KA PER TU BERE, sakohe qe ne politike do jene keta te dy

krasasi tp31/07/2017 17:15

Ky takim ne Hollande na sherben per te kuptuar me mire se deklarata e z.Vucic ne konferencen e perbashket per shtyp me z.Rama se"une jam nje lider me permasa rajonale, ndersa z.Rama eshte nje lider me permasa globale", nuk kishte as ironi dhe as qe ndonji batute e z.Vucic.Rolet jane ndare me kohe nga masonerija boterore pjese e se ciles na qenka edhe zj.Merkel.Ne Jugosllavine e Re z.Vucic do jete kryeminister,ndersa z.Rama do jete mesa duket zv/kryeminister dhe minister i jashtem si dhe ambasador shetites qe nderlidh dhe kordinon gjithe lidhjet e nen ndarjet ne rang global.Masonerija dhe soroizmi mesa duket po bejne rinovimin e elitave dhe z.Rama dhe z.Basha na qenkan perzgjedhur si vazhdimesija.Masonerija, soroizmi, oligarkija dhe udheheqsit jetegjate kudo , kane nje tipologji te perbashket, autoritarizmi thjesht ua lehteson arritjen e qellimeve , pra eshte mjet.

Daku31/07/2017 17:11

Pak me vone shkoi per kafe edhe luli me charterin e zamirit...

Iliri31/07/2017 16:56

Cpo ndodh keshtu... po na zhgenjen shume rama ka vene ne tatime e dogana ca injorant! Te shkarkohen urgjentisht te gjithe personat me poste drejtorish ne tatime. Urgjentisht

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