Teacher in Kavaja gets fired, told the schoolchildren to join Edi Rama’s meeting

Teacher in Kavaja gets fired, told the schoolchildren to join Edi Rama’s meeting

13:39, 27/04/2017
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Teacher of Kavaja’s general middle school “Aleksandër Moisiu” Elona Bizhdili has been dismissed today with an order of the minister of Education Lindita Nikolli, after she was filmed by her pupils while telling them at class to participate in the meeting with the Prime Minister in the town.

The news was announced by Premier Rama in parliament, using it as an example he is determined not to allow politics interfere in the schools.

"The Minister of Education just informed me about a video showing the teacher speaking about a meeting in Kavaja”, Rama said in the parliament.

“The minister dismissed immediately the teacher and I will repeat today: Any teacher has the right to be affiliated to any political force they like, talk to anyone, but not inside the school, which is a flagrant violation of the ethics of the school we want”.

“We have had many videos and pictures sent to us and showing teachers and schoolchildren inside the tent of protest and no one can say anything happened to them. It’s quite clear that anyone is free to take part in the political activities outside from school”.


    © SYRI.net

    Lexo edhe:


    he me te lumte28/04/2017 18:29

    ky qe shperblimi qe u jep ky.meqe i doli boja punes se tij e shkarkon gjoja per te vene ne vend autoritetin e tij.i pa fytyre~

    Rita27/04/2017 19:26

    Sa gjynaf i shkreti......i semure...

    Shto koment
