Celibashi: In my perception Berisha is Democratic Party’s Chairman, but the law recognizes Basha

Celibashi: In my perception Berisha is Democratic Party’s Chairman, but the law recognizes Basha

11:21, 09/03/2023
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State Election Commissioner Ilirjan Celibashi said today Sali Berisha is the Democratic Party chairman in his perception, but the law acknowledges Lulzim Basha.

“It is not the Central Electoral Commission (KQZ) that decides who the representative of a political party is. As long as KQZ has no say in this, it is decided by a third party. The Law on the Political Parties and the Electoral Code define who the organ that decides for the lead of the political parties is. It is the Court of Law and a document that comes from a Court of Law decides who the chairperson of a political party is. This is clear for everyone and there’s no point continue discussing about this”, said Celibashi.

“Article 9 of the Law on the Political Parties defines that the registration of the political parties is made in the first grade Court of Tirana. The membership of a political party may recognize as leader anyone one they appreciate, but the law and the public institutions, including KQZ, refer to an official document”.

“In my perception I may accept that Berisha is Democratic Party’s Chairman, but it changes nothing with regard to the law. Lulzim Basha is entitled to register the Democratic Party based on the official documents submitted at KQZ”, said Celibashi.

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Lexo edhe:


Koli09/03/2023 12:17

Keshtu eshte kur "drejtesia e reformuar " prodhon kryetar pa vule dhe vule pa kryetar i len njerzit ... rrugeve. Le te shpresojm qe per 48 ore do te kete nje zgjidhje por edhe celibashi do kete mundesi te tregoje integritetin e tij profesional...

Mirela Kopliku09/03/2023 12:01

Me ka cu nana me la gojen z. Celibashi! Cilin bashe njeh ligji, bashen hollandez apo bashen oligark ?

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