Berisha’s statement: Full monism has been established, an opposition front is vital for the country

Berisha’s statement: Full monism has been established, an opposition front is vital for the country

12:22, 10/06/2022
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Democratic Party Chairman Sali Berisha said the political monism has turned back in Albania after the new President of the Republic was elected with the votes of the majority only. Berisha added the creation of an oppositionist front would be vital for the country.

“After the election of the President of the Republic on June 6 with the Socialist Party’s votes only, Edi Rama has taken under his power the last institution that had remained under his control”, Berisha said in a public statement today.

“The full monist system was established in the country and the democratic system based on the separation and balance of powers was buried. For the first time in 31 years, all the powers are in the hands of a single person and party. This is in every level of the executive, legislative, judicial power and in every other independent institution. Today, like never before, the executive power is representative of only one political power. Just like in Albania’s monist past, all the high state institutions qualified as independent or autonomous, such as the President of the Republic, the head of the High State Audit, the head of the State Intelligence, the head of the Army Intelligence, the boards’ directors, have been nominated, voted, or elected only from the Socialist Party”.

“In this monist state, like never before, all the highest justice institutions’ chairs have been selected and appointed by the monist majority. Such a party control on justice has not existed ever since Enver Hoxha’s monist dictatorship”.

“Today in Albania all the chairpersons of the parliamentary commissions, parliamentary delegations, are Socialist Party MPs and in some cases are its instruments from the so-called opposition of Basha. Due to the opposition boycott of the local elections of 2019, all the local power belongs to the Socialist Party today. All the NGOs are totally controlled by the government and George Soros-backed networks. All the media, with rare exceptions, are controlled by Edi Rama’s censoring government. Four or five oligarchs posses more than 35% of the Albanian economy, unlike any country in the world”.

“The Democratic Party appeals to all citizens to rise in defense of the democratic ideals to rescue Albania from Edi Rama’s Soros-backed communist regime. In this context, the Democratic Party considers as vital the creation of an opposition front for Albania, made up of the opposition political forces, civil society, intellectuals, and academics. The Democratic Party appeals to Albanians everywhere in the world to engage with their potentials to rescue the country from Edi Rama’s monist state”.


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