Former Minister of Justice shares online petition for the removal of US Ambassador Kim: Enough is enough

Former Minister of Justice shares online petition for the removal of US Ambassador Kim: Enough is enough

09:25, 25/04/2022
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Former Albanian Minister of Justice Ylli Manjani has shared a petition against US Ambassador Yuri Kim that has become viral in the social media.

“Yes, I agree”, wrote Manjani for the petition that requests the removal of the US diplomat from her post in Albania.

Below is the text of the petition in the website




"Ambassador Kim, Enough is Enough!"

We are extremely concerned by the undiplomatic and unprecedented interference of the US Ambassador, Ms. Yuri Kim, in the work of Albanian institutions, thereby threatening their fragile equilibrium.

Ambassador Kim has publicly exerted pressure on opposition forces, she has continuously intimidated and interfered with the opposition’s internal voting process. Moreover, she has explicitly sought to influence the related judicial process. This is of great concern as it undermines democracy and threatens national stability.

Ambassador Kim’s actions, which are in breach of her diplomatic status and of Article 41 of the Vienna Convention, have severely affected the country’s ability to maintain a serious opposition to a government that the US State Department has described in its own reports as deeply corrupt.

In this centenary year of Albanian-American diplomatic relations we note with disappointment that the reputation of the United States of America has reached an unprecedented low point in Albania, as a result of the undiplomatic interference of Ambassador Kim in the internal issues of Albanian politics.

The majority of Albanians still aspire to the American model of democracy and feel a deep sense of gratitude and partnership with the USA. This model tells us that no citizen should accept the type of “diplomacy” that overrules basic democratic principles.

The diplomatic style that we have seen in recent years doesn’t represent the principles and values of  American democracy.

Therefore, we now call upon all Albanians, at home and abroad, who believe that democracy is secured with the free vote, the verdict of the majority and not through intrigues or manipulation, to sign the petition “Ambassador Yuri Kim, Enough is Enough”.

As Albanian citizens and friends of the USA, we call upon the Department of State to ensure that USA representative in Albania Ms. Yuri Kim will respect her diplomatic status and will immediately cease and desist from interfering with Albanian internal politics and with institutions.

We are convinced that only proper diplomacy can assist our democracy and address the ongoing deterioration of the image of the USA among Albanians, who have always considered the USA to be a model of freedom and democracy.


Lexo edhe:


cyd28/04/2022 17:01

Niki27/04/2022 15:19

Jam dakord me peticionin,te shpallet non grata menjehere

Muhamet 25/04/2022 21:25

Po. Jam dakort me peticionin.

AlbNationalist25/04/2022 19:33

Po linkun pse nuk e vendosni, ku eshte ky peticion? Eshte ky me poshte?

Kosta25/04/2022 17:02

OK me peticionin.

Kosta25/04/2022 17:00

OK, me peticionin.....

Lakja25/04/2022 16:19

The zhduket nje ore e me par we leket I ka mar nga kto plerat we the vet plere eshte

Artan 25/04/2022 16:16


Sandro 25/04/2022 16:15

Po jam dakort te zëvendesohet dame pare se politika esaj bashk me qeverinë e Rames zbuan te rinjtë nga Shqiperia me programin e tyre!

Gj25/04/2022 15:18


Skrapari25/04/2022 14:24

Plotesisht DAKORD. Nje ore e me pare te qerohet.

Daj Jaku25/04/2022 13:36

Po, jam dakord. Ta nxjerrim jashtë me shqelma bythëve qelbësirën kineze.

B25/04/2022 12:22

Ku eshte ta firmosim,te dalin edhe vullnetare rrugeve te firmoset. Enough is enough Kim get lost

Beneta Shena25/04/2022 11:56

Po. Jam dakort

Milena25/04/2022 09:42

Jam dakort me peticionin e Z. Manjani. Mjaft Zj. Kim è tejkaluar shume dhe po na demton shume. Kur nuk do te ndimosh, minimumi eshte te mos NDERHYSH.

Right Always25/04/2022 09:33

Po jam dakort me peticionin.Do te sygjeroja shpalljen NONGRATA te saj.

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