Socialist MP backs the UK proposal of an asylum seekers center in Albania in exchange of cash

Socialist MP backs the UK proposal of an asylum seekers center in Albania in exchange of cash

14:25, 22/11/2021
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Socialist Party MP Paulin Sterkaj said in a meeting of the parliamentary commission of security he is pro an agreement with the United Kingdom government for opening a refugees center in Albania in exchange for money. He said no one should have concerns as long as that agreement is not a threat to the national security.

“UK is ready to pay £100,000 per person when the cost to maintain one in Albania would be £500. We could keep a person for 20 years with that money. What’s wrong if money comes to Albania?”, Sterkaj asked the opposition members of the commission.

He also said they would agree with the proposal for the center had they been in power.

UK wants to send asylum seekers that entered the country illegally through the English Channel to centers in Albania for the period their requests are processed from the British authorities. Albania denied the existence of a plan for such a center, however it has been discussed in the parliamentary commission of security.


Lexo edhe:


Vendi yne 22/11/2021 19:31

Aq te mira do ti vine sac i erdhen nga shitja e naftes tek te huajt e telekomit e energjitikes gjithashtu.Ne te gjithe boten keto biznese dalin me super fitime marramendese kurse ketu tek ne cuditerisht dalin me humbje.Si mund ta mbash hapur nje biznes kur 20 vjet del me humbje??Jo jo nuk dalin me humbje por paguane qeverine tende te qelbur nen dore ca qindarka dhe vjedhin milliarda.Jeni qeveria me plere me llum qe ka pasur ndonjehere Shqiperia

Sofie22/11/2021 19:19

Te hengert kanceri ne gryke o paulin

Sofie22/11/2021 19:19

Te hengert kanceri ne gryke o paulin

Mondi22/11/2021 19:15

Paulini mungon shume ne shtepi, kjo eshte arsyeja pse gruas se tij i duhen emigrante te huaj (sa me shume) per bere punet qe nuk ka fuqi Paulini. E ka nje porosi nga e shoqja mos ja merrni per keq. Tani u morr vesh dhe nje nga arsyejet e ngritjes se 2 sateliteve qe do kontrollojne kufirin dhe territorin e Shqiperise. Keta emigante pasi te vijne nje here nuk duhet te dalin kurre nga ky vend as me leje as ilegalisht. O shqiptare nese e doni vendin tuaj reagoni sic vepruat me armet kimike.

Trx22/11/2021 15:40

Si çte keqe ka mor plehre kriminale.Apo çdo gje qe fluturon u duket leke. Muxhahedine me mijra, siriane e marokene plote, afgane e talibane ne pritje. Po e degjeneroni kete vend me porosi te sorres.

Gavroshi22/11/2021 15:30

Me duket , se kampin do ta bejne ne Divjake, ti strehojne te hoteli Paulinit.

N22/11/2021 15:20

Shqipëria do prek fundin me injorant si puna jote.Vegel qorre e Edvin vuçiçit.

Vendi yne 22/11/2021 15:19

Edhe te vine ato leke Shqiperia nuk fiton asgje o deputet qe nuk Duhet te ishe as roje lopesh.Nuk fiton per sa kohe ka njerez si ty si Rama si veliaj si ahmetaj spiropalla etj.Ato para do vene ne xhepat tuaj.Dhe ata refugjate jane qe te gjithe kontigjent krimi.Do sjellin me shume krim ne vendin ttone.Mos e ktheni vendin ne qender grumbullimi te mbetjeve njerezore.

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