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Former Democrat Sec-Gen says Basha is plotting with Rama to destroy the Democratic Party

Former Democrat Sec-Gen says Basha is plotting with Rama to destroy the Democratic Party

00:16, 17/11/2021
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Former Secretary General of the Democratic Party Arben Ristani sees the influx of signatures for the convocation of the National Assembly on December 11 as the Albanians’ interest for a strong opposition. Citizens want an opposition that will be an alternative to the government, a possibility for Albanians to overthrow Edi Rama’s regime. Ristani also accused Democratic Party Chairman Lulzim Basha of colluding with Premier Edi Rama to destroy the Democratic Party.

“Basha has a mission, plotting with Rama, which is to destroy the Democratic Party. In the function of his mission he is doing all these efforts to make look ridiculous such a huge initiative of the Democrats”, Ristani told the television Ora News for the movement within the party that will peak with the extraordinary National Assembly of December 11, which Basha always refused.

Ristani also said anyone can verify the 4200 signatures of the delegates for the convocation of the Assembly.


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