Albanian Government official (non) response for the

Albanian Government official (non) response for the "disappearance" of 1300 containers of urban and industrial waste

11:35, 03/03/2017
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The Albanian Government has officially responded to the news published in the Italian newspaper “Roma” about 1300 containers full of urban and industrial waste with destination Macedonia that have been lost in Albania.

The Ministry of Environment says it has permitted the transit of non dangerous waste, because the transit of the dangerous urban and industrial waste is forbidden.


    Lexo edhe:


    EDI03/03/2017 16:48

    Ky kryemoinster eshte Capo Mafia albanese !!

    krasasi tp03/03/2017 14:42

    Prononcimi i Ministrise se Mjedisit eshte si pergjigja qe nje politikane ju pergjigj dikur gazetareve ne studio:"ju pyesni cfare doni, une ju pergjigjem cfare dua".z.Minister.Me plehra te rrezikshme, apo te parrezikeshme, nuk ka rendesi, se ju nuk u futet brenda kontenierve te shikonit. Pyetja eshte, a kane humbur brenda teritorit shqiptar nga Durresi ne Qaf Thane rreth 30.0000 ton plehra apo mbetje te rrezikshme apo jo?.Ku jane hedhur?.Transparenca ju rrezikon koalicionin?.Transparenca qeteson qytetaret.

    vezhguesi03/03/2017 13:32

    Me duket se i pari qe do preket nga Vettingu eshte z. Rama. pervec Plehrave, skandali me Abi Bank qe sipas Spartak Brahos eshte banka qe po pastron parate e droges. Nje fare Andi Ballta qe vjen nga SHBA dhe na blen nje bank???? Shihni pak se eshte nje brez me Znj. Rama (mos e kane mbaruar Fakultetin ne nje kohe). Pa asnje aktivitet tjeter, por thjesht ble e shit kredi e prona. Na fal por me keto aktivitete mund te jetohet, por nuk mund te jesh aksioneri i vetem i bankes.

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