Policemen hit their colleague in plain cloth, Paloka: They’re beating one another now, forget about Ard Veliu

Policemen hit their colleague in plain cloth, Paloka: They’re beating one another now, forget about Ard Veliu

14:44, 11/12/2020
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Deputy Chairman of the Democratic Party Edi Paloka posted a video on his Facebook page showing a number of police effectives in riot gear running towards a standing man and beating him with baton, only to stop immediately later. It turned out the man was also a police effective in plain cloth. The incident happened last night during the youth protest.

“They are beating one another now. However, forget about (Director General) Ard Veliu…”, Paloka wrote.

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Lexo edhe:


Noni11/12/2020 15:32

Jo mor Z. Paloka , nuk rrihen mes njeri tjetrit policat kafshe kriminele , por nuk njihen me njeri tjetrin , mbasi pushtet Rama- Veliaj rekrutojne civilà kriminele ,spiunat qe fusin mes protestuesve , e ke s' rekrutojne per pushtetin e tyre keta kafshe perbindesha ...

Fiku bashkis11/12/2020 15:19

Po Ard Veliun?! Taksistin e Balilit e pallo ndru vet gamori Surrelit, Edveroviç Ramiçi.

Fiku bashkis11/12/2020 15:15

Spiun i infiltruar tek protestuesit, bjerini qenit sa ti dali shpirti

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