Premier Rama says there will not be another lockdown in Albania

Premier Rama says there will not be another lockdown in Albania

14:15, 10/07/2020
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Albanian Premier Edi Rama declared today another lockdown would be critical for the country and appealed to the citizens to be responsible and respect the precaution measures to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Albania has seen the coronavirus cases grow every day, but Rama said this is something normal in “every country where there’s opening”.

“I don’t think we must return to the lockdown. The virus has not gone and won’t go, we cannot make open-and-close as long as the virus is here. The first lockdown was to help us prepare and we are now ready to deal with the increase in numbers, but if we want to minimize the consequences everyone should assume their own responsibilities. Everything else is just words in the wind”, Rama told a press conference today.


Lexo edhe:


juventus10/07/2020 18:24


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