Macabre crimes in Korça and Fier, head of DP Basha reacts: Misery and desperation in the society

Macabre crimes in Korça and Fier, head of DP Basha reacts: Misery and desperation in the society

11:06, 05/12/2016
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The head of the DP, Lulzim Basha has reacted to the news of two sad crimes that happened today in Korça and two days ago in Fier.

According to Basha, the Albanian society lays between misery and desperation, that also bring along this crimes inside the families.

Here is what he writes on Facebook:

“I am shocked by the terrible crimes in the family in Fier and Korça. I am especially saddened that these crimes have taken innocent lives of women and children.

These cases, more than individual crimes, reflect the state of misery and desperation that our society has gotten into and also the decay of the common help towards each other.

Albania needs to have hope back again, needs opportunities back again, in order that all live in peace and welfare. Politics is plays the key role in this: it needs to stop working for the minority, and go back to the people and their problems.

We cannot kill each other, we should kill bad politics. We should give our life for our children and not take away children lifes.


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