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Albanian opposition promises battle against Edi Rama’s ‘terrorist act’ to demolish the National Theatre house

Albanian opposition promises battle against Edi Rama’s ‘terrorist act’ to demolish the National Theatre house

12:06, 06/07/2018
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Democratic Party chairman Lulzim Basha called the law for the demolition of the National Theatre house a “terrorist act” of the Socialist majority in the parliament and warned Albanian Premier Edi Rama he will face the protest of the opposition.

Sources from the Democratic Party (PD) said they will request President Ilir Meta not to decree the law.

According to the Democrat parliamentary group, this is a failure of the State in the absence of a functional Constitutional Court.

Democrat deputies say this is a battle that will continue till Rama’s removal from power.


Lexo edhe:


zaho07/07/2018 19:38

Ha pershesh o Lull, ha! Cofetire tradhetare! Mos leh si perhere por vepro nese te ka ngel ndopak dinjitet! I Shitur

t06/07/2018 12:20

Dmth luli vazhdon llogjet dhe keto i quan veprime opozitare,kurse te beje "sakrifice" ,te djegi mandatet,me nder nuk ka b...

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