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IM Xhafaj responds US Ambassador’s request about the ‘big fish’ arrests: Postponed to February

IM Xhafaj responds US Ambassador’s request about the ‘big fish’ arrests: Postponed to February

09:41, 20/01/2018
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Albanian Interior Minister Fatmir Xhafaj responded to US Ambassador Donald Lu’s requests about the capture of the “big fish” in the justice net. Lu said in an interview that he requested every day to the government to start arresting the “big fish”, as Lu himself had warned months ago about what would happen come January.

Minister Xhafaj chose to respond to Lu’s request through another interview, live on TV.

“The first results of vetting will come in Februry. Indubitably there will be ‘big fish’ arrested”, Xhafaj said last night.


    Lexo edhe:


    Niko peleshi21/01/2018 18:39

    Don' b

    Edlir Rameta21/01/2018 08:49

    Z. Minister ne muajin shkurt te kujt Viti?! 2120?!i shkreti. Kinez apo ???????? Don Lulu sa duhet te presi per ????.

    Beni21/01/2018 00:34

    Ore se mos e kane fjalen per te arestuar ata qe skane leke per te paguar ujin. Se e tha kryeministri, burg. Po po keta do jene

    Nebil20/01/2018 12:25

    Shkurti eshte muaji i maceve dhe macokeve, nuk eshte muaji i peshqeve te medhenj!

    Sonja20/01/2018 11:03

    Sa absurd eshte kjo shprehje se do arrestohen peshqit e medhenj. Si eshte e mundur qe e di amabsodori qe ka peshq te medhenj dhe nuk e di prokurorija? Pastaj peshku peshkun nuk e kap, e aq me shume te kapi dhe peshkaqenin, ai e ha peshkun...

    Iliri20/01/2018 10:13

    Nje ambasador i lutet qeverise Shqiptare te beje punen e saj. UAU. Kjo nuk eshte pare ndonjehere. Kisha edhe dy pyetje per ministrin: Ne shkurt te cilit vit o kapen peshqit e medhenj? Peshqit e medhenj, do jene vetem nga opozita?

    Llanua20/01/2018 09:44

    Shty Llalla, shty Rama, shty Xhafaj...shtyuani mire shqiptareve, deri ne fund

    lushingabarbullushi20/01/2018 09:43

    Si rregull sot fillon muaji i peshqve e vazhdon deri me dt 20 shkurt. Perpara LU! se dhe pak arritem ne komunizem.

    Shto koment
