This head-moralist of ours that is shocking the EU

This head-moralist of ours that is shocking the EU

By Poli Hoxha - 13/06/2017

There are two recent developments which have taken place hundreds of kilometers away from one another but similar like two water drops.  From one hand there is the response EU Commissioner for Expansion Johannes Hahn gave to MEP Monica Macovei for the international problem of the Albanian drugs and from the other hand we have a pathetic, moralist speech that former Interior Minister Saimir Tahiri held before the Socialists in the area of Tirana’s outer ring.

After innumerous accusation from the leadership of the Socialist Movement for Integration (LSI) and its founder Ilir Meta, who dubbed him as the “main warehouseman of the cannabist Albania”, Saimir Tahiri replied like he was Jesus returned on earth. Without remorse and blushing, he read the next composition to his Socialist followers. Here are some extracts of what was said from the mouth of the man who’d better remained silent after that giant criminal activity he allowed with cannabis when in charge of the Interior Ministry:

“Those who have never been punished for everything they’ve done in this country - have stolen and murdered - have won”.

“We are not the same, my friends. Those who work are not the same with the ones that do not”.

“Those who think to do something for the country and the citizens are not the same with those who work only for their families”.

“He told me I have been inexperienced when I took the office of the minister. Of course, this is his opinion and I don’t want to deal with it, but I would have never wanted an experience like Ilir Meta’s”.

“We gave LSI the occasion to prove in front of people and anyone that it can turn into a party that cares for this country to become better, to have less corruption, stronger economy, and jobs for all, not only for those with party’s membership. Unfortunately this did not happen”.

The one who talks like this is Saimir Tahiri in person, the direct responsible for the biggest criminal mark he put not only on the Albanian state, but also on the people that were forced to work like slaves on the cannabis farms that were allowed and protected by him.

Do LSI and Ilir Meta have sins in this violated country and democracy? Has it installed, like the other parties, the scheme of clientele and corruption in the Albanian administration? Are many of chairpersons of the institution controlled by it corrupt and thieves of the public funds?

Naturally, yes. They are and they must be hold accountable on June 25 and before justice.

But, watching Saimir Tahiri moralizing is really excessive. Let’s leave apart for a moment the economy’s criminalization from billions of cannabis and its consequences, also the parents and teachers’ panic for the marijuana joints that have filled the schools. Let’s deal directly with the second observation, of the recent development in Brussels that is a direct consequence of Saimir Tahiri’s job, under the lead of Edi Rama, of course.

Since the EU Embassy in Tirana, headed by Romana Vlahutin, remained silent epically till the end about what happened in our country with the cultivation and trafficking of cannabis, MEP Monica Mahovei, on April 18, introduced to the European Commission a written request exactly for the “masterpiece” Saimir Tahiri created in cooperation with the drugs Mafia.

“Albania is an important hub for the trafficking of cannabis to EU countries. The most used drugs in Europe, cannabis, occupies 38% of the market of the illegal substances and reaches a value of nearly €9.3 billion per year, nearly half of Albania’s GDP”, Mahovei said.

“Albania has received the status of the EU candidate state in June 2014. What concrete measures has the Commission taken and plans to implement in a short- and long-term levels in order to support Albania in its struggle to destroy the rapid growth of organized crime and particularly to stop being a main hub in the international market of cannabis and help the country progress effectively towards EU membership?”, she asked alarmingly.

Hahn responded on June 9, telling, among other things, the worst news possible Albanians would like to hear after 25 years of watching the EU only through binoculars.

“The war on drugs production and trafficking is a priority in the agenda of cooperation between EU and Albania”, Hahn said, showing another strong condition put ahead.

Who should be “thank” for this “great” news?

Edi Rama, of course, and particularly Saimir Tahiri, who has the courage to sell moral, in a time when he should have been in the bench for the accused for the biggest drugs farm Europe has ever seen.


    Lexo edhe


    eno14/06/2017 16:52

    saje qori eshte per ne burg po jo ne shqiperi ne meksike tja cajne pocen

    polici14/06/2017 10:21

    Tahiri eshte tamam magazinieri i droges se Shqiperise . njeriu me i urryer i Rilindjes bashke me Lali Edin dhe Lali Erin. Mostrat e 105 viteve te fundit.

    Ajo13/06/2017 18:38

    Jemi dakort qe Rama eshte i inkriminuar, por ky zoteri Meta qe ne radhe te pare si takon te nderhyje ne fushaten zgjedhore si president i zgjedhur i gjithe shqiptareve, se dyti qe po na beka nje fushate sikur per kater vjet na paska qene opozite dhe jo basjkepunetori dhe paterica e Rames. Nese ishte i vetedijshem (sigurisht qe ishte!) per keto krime qe sot na e tmerrokan Meten, perse valle nuk u largua nga qeveria qe ti bente nje sherbim te vertete vendit, por njehere e sulmonte Ramen dhe brenda dites e votbesonte?????

    SG13/06/2017 17:22

    Shesin moral imoralet dhe kjo eshte e papranueshme... Tani qe Kane hallin tek votat fillojne e nxjerrin problemet qe kapluan shtetin shqiptare. Nuk mund te harrohet kur opozita denonconte trafikun e droges me avione, dhe kryetari I LSI-se njekohesisht kryetari i parlamentit Ilir meta thoshte jane avione qe po sperkasin per moshkonja. Tani kane goje te flasin per moral dhe kush eshte me I ndershe.... k.rva mbetet k.rve, nuk ka pak k.urve apo shume k.rve.

    Artion13/06/2017 17:05

    Keto qe thote autori duhet ti artikuloje Basha ne fakt. Jam i surprizuar, pasi ne nje pjese te tij thuhen edhe ca te verteta per LSI dhe Meten, qe jane po aq kancer sa Rilindja...

    Brukseli 13/06/2017 15:03

    Qeveria e Rames dduhete te kishte marr funde para dy vitesh (ne 2014 ) e lane ate vende fukara dhe ekthyene vendin e dyte ne Bote mbas kolumbise me kanabis ,Dhe pa pike turpi me kryesoret Edi dhe ministri i mbrenshem dalin dhe lenje 'pa pike turpi kerkonje voten . Ah sikure te kisha force çfare do tju beja ju te dyve , o te pa fytyre , o te pa cipe , o te pa turpe Qe ekatandiset ate vend e ate popull ne ate gjendje Zoti ju marte hakune e popullite , Te gjitha do ti pagoni shpirti nga bytha ka prtu dale o te poshter qe ma helmuat vendin mekanabis dhe e perzute ate poull rugeve neper bote turpe te kini

    Shto koment
