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SYRI I BOTËS/ Me moderatore Dori Daka

They’ve got no beef with Kastriot Myftaraj personally!

They’ve got no beef with Kastriot Myftaraj personally!

By - 10/05/2017

The detention of the controversial journalist and publicist Kastriot Myftaraj is not an unexpected act from Edi Rama’s police. Whoever has followed the articles and strong public declarations of Myftaraj knows very well very often they overpass the framework of the so-called normality, of making journalism.

Rama and the law enforcing structures at his personal service have no beef with Kastriot. He has a mountain high of strong conspiracy articles for almost all public figures of Albania and different diplomats. With his style, he pretends to decode the “mysteries” and “reasons” of many strange events in our country, but also around the globe. This is Myftaraj and this is why he has been threatened and sued many times. But, as said above, they have no beef with Myftaraj.

He was the “slim thread” that broke after the unprecedented pressure from Premier Rama on media and journalists that think differently. He was the first example, cautioned since long ago, of Rama’s slide towards Erdoganism and Putinism. Scaring to the limit of handcuffing of any media voice out of control is the core of these autocratic governing philosophies.

In no democratic country the journalists are arrested for their articles. They are sued in courts, where the accusation offers evidence for the charges.

Just to be clear, we are against any call for violence or criminal acts against any individual, as we are in favour of any denouncement of anti-constitutional plans from anyone. Whoever reveals them or conspires with them, will answer before a court of law.

The article Kastriot Myftaraj is accused of is some cogitation about Head of EU Mission Romana Vlahutin. His idea is that this diplomat is “prostituting” with European and Southern Slavs circles for Albania to be swallowed up from Serbs in the framework of a project called “Former Yugoslavia + Albania”. This project, started first as an economic initiative, now has become official. There is no revelation so far. The final goals of the project and the role of an important diplomat are the objects of the article. Is that all true? Myftaraj pretends it is. He offers his point of view and analysis, maybe facts too. If the accused thinks the opposite, she may sue him for slander.

Considering what mentioned above, Myftaraj gives the alarm that Albania’s sovereignty is in danger. He considers Vlahutin, who, according to him, pretends not to see Edi Rama’s drug’s reality, as a protagonist of the project. According to him, any involvement that threatens the country’s sovereignty and integrity is a terrorist act. At this point, he is referring to the Constitution of Albania. Through a logic abstraction, cause and consequence, Myftaraj reaches the conclusion Vlahutin should be treated as a terrorist by Albanians.

This is excessive and we don’t believe the EU Ambassador has reached to this level. But that does not give Rama the right to order the anti-terror structures to handcuff Myftaraj, who has only words as his weapon. Rama has put an “army” of bodyguards at the lady’s disposal, to defend her from a danger no one understands where it’s coming from.

In the article that sent him to the cell, Myftarja uses the metaphor “whore” for Ms. Vlahutin. As a matter of fact, this word has been used in the context of her political misuse. But, even if it is a direct labeling, that would be only a slander or not. It is the author who must prove it. But for that to happen, the lady in question must sue him in the court. Rama’s police cannot wipe the “stain” Myftaraj put on her.

Both “crimes” of the journalist against the diplomat are nothing new in the immoral Albanian media. Only Rama’s act is new - after an unprecedented campaign of slander and blackmail against the media he cannot control – with the act of arresting.

The government-controlled media call every day for revenge and arrests against the political opponents. His police not only do not arrest them, but consider them as “chiefs”.

That’s why, repeating we do not agree with calls with the word “kill” in them, we say they have no beef with Kastriot.

He was merely the “slim thread”, a clear message for what Edi Rama has already started…


    Lexo edhe


    Nobelisti 10/05/2017 22:55

    Pikerisht, afersisht nobelisti i beri sherbimin me sharlatan te jetes, asaj kaste te pushteteve te fshehura, qe mendon se do e financiojne extrameritus per ate Nobel qe me shume e do Rama and Co se ai vet.

    Tiku10/05/2017 19:03

    Bravi Syri. Ishit me te saktet dhe asnjeanesit me raportimin e ketij lajmi...sidomos kjo analiza perfekte, asnjeanese dhe profesionale. Nuk habitem hic qe ju referohet edhe gjigandi Fox news...

    Marjana Tirana10/05/2017 17:30


    kRIST10/05/2017 16:16

    Rednex,Osumi po te ndjek,ndersa Iliri nuk po ndihet.Si shef i grupit,po te pyes,mos nuk ja keni paguar honoraret?Gjynaf i shkreti,ai per keto honorare,sikunder edhe ju,punon dite e nate,papushim.

    Margarita10/05/2017 15:10

    Poshte kjo qeveri e inkriminuar .Kure nuk do vendosni diktature.Cohuni gazetar behuni nje per fjalen e lire.Rama protestoi me demek ne France por ketu ne shqiperi ai don me burgos fjalen e lire .JJOOOO KURE SE BEN DOT .DO NGRIHEMI ME 13 MAJ DHE PER KETE .

    ...2 . 310/05/2017 13:47

    Tani duhet te denohet edhe at Gjergj Fishta se ka share europen duke i thene, moj evrop moj kurva e motit , se ky psikopati i jone kerkon qe ti semuri si veten gjithe shqiptaret.

    rednex10/05/2017 13:40

    Ne cilin vend te europes ose usa ndodh qe dikush te bej thirrje publike per vrasje te figurave politike dhe te mos arresohet???me dukeni nganjehere si bageti ju qe komentoni ketu ose si keni dy klase shkolle..

    Qibarja10/05/2017 13:31

    Filloji nje faze e avancuar e diktatures, si ne Rusi, Turqi, ose te mos shkojme larg si ne Shqiperine e Enverit qe te arrestonin per nje fjale goje !
    Media e Qytetare, hapni gojen fort se po nuk e bete, do te vi dhe radha juaj !
    Princ Rama eshte duke ju pergjuar !

    Lungomare10/05/2017 12:21

    Larot nderohen kurse trimat arrestohen. Vend horrash e p.tanash. Po vjen fundi juaj o kerma

    Mali10/05/2017 12:14

    Leshojeni mor qener e pisa te Enver Hoxhes. Se po vjen 13 maji o djaj qe po dridheni nga frika. Ju keni percudnuar per 50 vjet kete popull dhe e keni bere popull te pandere e truthare. Po nje pyetje jam une "Mos keni menduar ti ktheheni Zotit se Ai per ju ka pergatitur tmerr pa fund?!"

    osumi10/05/2017 12:03

    Edhe ju te nuk po guxoni jo ta mbroni z. Myftaraj se mbrojtjen ai e ben vete por menyra e trajtimit te ceshtjes se arrestimit me duket Jo mbeshtetje e duhur per kolegun tuaj. Mos kini frike ne mendojme se ju jeni nga me te pavarurit. Nqs dikush kryen akte anti kushtetuese e meriton dhe plumbin.PRA nese ato qe thote z.Myftaraj per Ramanen edhe plumbin e ka pak

    Meleq Agaci10/05/2017 12:03

    E vertete. Se kane me Kacin por me te gjithe ata qe jane kunder psikopatit kokebosh te kryeministrise.

    Lali10/05/2017 11:56

    O pelle e gjate ata jo, Po ti sigurisht qe e ke me kastriotin. Mos u merzit dhe prit, ske pare gje akoma. Do ta kene shqiptaret me ty....

    i deleguari10/05/2017 11:54

    Bukur mire!

    Qytetar10/05/2017 11:54

    Me kte qe bene me z. Myftaraj duan ti mbyllin dhe ato pak gazetare dhe analiste te pavarur qe kane ngelur mbasi te tjetet i blene dhe jane kthyer ne media Fake News.

    hakmarrja e edvinit- rikthimi10/05/2017 11:50

    shaba10/05/2017 11:39

    Kaci, nuk ka bere thirrje per vrasjen e kurves Vlahutin. A thjesht thote "....mund ta vriste cdo shqiptar...". Po a ka shqiptar sot qe te vret per Shqiperine???!!! Kurre! Kane ikur ata burra shqipetar qe te vrisnin per vatane! Prandaj, mos u trembni kot nga thirrjet me tone te larta zemerimi te Kacit, nuk ka me as patriote, as atdhetare, as memedhetare qe te vrasin per atdhe. Kur sot shikon se si vete politikanet shqiptare po e vjedhin, grabisin, shkaterrojne dhe baterdisin cdo gje, cdo pasuri, cdo flori, cdo liter nafte dhe cdo grame pasuri nga toka dhe nentoka shqiptare, cdo centimeter toke bregdetare, kodrinore dhe malore dhe se fundmi duan t'i grabisin edhe te drejten e votes se lire, po grabisin dhe po shketerrojne jetet tona dhe te femijeve tane dhe askush nuk i vret, mos u frikesoni se ka njeri qe do te rrezikonte per nje prostitute kroate. Lirojeni Kacin se nuk rrezikon askend dhe as nuk i pergjigjet askush dhe asnje shqiptar thirrjes se tij, qe ne fakt nuk eshte thirrje por nje hamendesi e denje vetem per vitet 1912-1939. Boll bete sikur po mbroni kesulekuqen e peshtire! Qellimi u arrit, gazetat u shiten!

    i deleguari10/05/2017 11:35

    Bukur mire!

    poli10/05/2017 11:32

    Prandaj ky njeri duhet larguar sa me pare jo vetem nga qeverisja e ketij populli te mjere.

    TIRANA10/05/2017 11:31

    Kush nuk kupton qe Vlahutini me lluksin dhe villen e saj, nuk i sherben aspak Shqiperise, le tja hedhi trurin qenve se nuk ka çi duhet !
    Arrestimi i Kastriotit do te sherbeje qe populli ta marri vesh çfare ka bere Vlahutin!
    Po behet nami me drogen, krimi merret me Kastriotin qe guxoji te thote te verteten ! E ka egzagjeruar pak me vrasjen, por kuptohet qe nuk ben thirrje per vrasje, kjo eshte simbolike ! Thirrja eshte te Iki Vlahutini dhe droga ! Ta marre vesh Europa se ketu ka zot !

    Shto koment
