Every day is February 20, till we pull down a system that is hostage to crime

Every day is February 20, till we pull down a system that is hostage to crime

By Lulzim Basha - 20/02/2019

Today we commemorate February 20, 1991, the day when the Albanians united and overthrew not just a statue but the very symbol of Europe’s cruelest dictatorship, hungry for Freedom and Democracy, with the biggest dream of making “Albania like the whole Europe”.

28 years later we are facing a similar challenge. An anti-democratic oligarchic regime that came to power through buying votes with the help of the organized crime is undoing the Albanians’ dream for Albania like the whole Europe.

Despite the lack of a statue to tear down, every day is February 20, 1991 for us, till the day we pull down the system that is holding Albania hostage to crime and corruption by impoverishing and oppressing the citizens every day.  Our goal is to give to the people a government of the people, for the people, from the people. Only like this we’ll go certain towards Europe.

* Mr. Lulzim Basha is the Chairman of the Democratic Party of Albania

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