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ÇIM PEKA LIVE/ A po e shet Rama Veliajn?

Consumers mocked by Rama’s Transparency Board, fuel price lowered by only 1 Lek, equal to $0.0087 or €0.0086

11:41, 06/08/2022
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Despite the reduction in the oil prices on the stock market, the Transparency Board of the Albanian government decided today to make only a ridiculous reduction in the fuel price in the country. The Board lowered the price with only 1 Albanian Lek (ALL) per liter, which is equal to 0.0087 United States Dollar or 0.0086 Euro.

“The retail price of the gasoil by-product of the SSH EN 590 standard should be no more than 220 ALL/liter, while the wholesale price no more than 208 ALL/liter”, said the Board.

“The retail price of the SSH EN standard gasoline by-product should be no more than 199 ALL/liter, while the wholesale price no more than 187 ALL/liter.

The retail price of the gas by-product should be 80 ALL/liter retail and 68 ALL/liter wholesale for vehicles”.

According to the Board, "the selling price for liquid gas for vehicles will be the supply price at the supply stations at gas stations, while at other points for household and industrial consumers the price should not include excise duty.



Lexo edhe:


liu06/08/2022 17:26


berati06/08/2022 13:34

talluni talluni se se shpejti do tu zere mallkimi i popullit te pafajshem zoti u ndeshkofte sa me shpejt

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