The Anti-Communist Association will protest against Gramoz Ruçi’s election as the Parliament Speaker

The Anti-Communist Association will protest against Gramoz Ruçi’s election as the Parliament Speaker

13:32, 31/08/2017
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The Anti-Communist Association of the Politically Prosecuted will organize a protest rally in the opening day of the new legislature. The aim of the protest is to object “the return in the lead of the Parliament of former leaders of the communist dictatorship and their genetic and politic offspring, also of the former members of the political communist police, Sigurimi”.

A few days earlier, the Association wrote to President Ilir Meta, calling him not to decree the Speaker-nominee Gramoz Ruçi, saying he is the last interior minister of the communist dictatorship.


    Lexo edhe:


    ArT31/08/2017 16:12

    U kujtuat "heret". Ruci ka mbi 25 vjet deputet nen kujdesin edhe te Berishes per tu bere super i pasur.

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