Elections in the Democratic Party, air cleared after the accusations for violation of the Statute

Elections in the Democratic Party, air cleared after the accusations for violation of the Statute

17:05, 29/06/2017
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The Democratic Party (PD) has cleared the air after its Secretary General Arben Ristani said the delegation of chairman functions to his two deputies Edi Paloka and Edmond Spaho is a violation of the Statute. Through a press release, PD shows that the Article 43 of the Statute says clearly that one of the deputies replaces the chairman.

“The Democratic Party of Albania has two vice chairpersons, which are elected according to the definitions of the Article 37 of the Statute.

In case of a prolonged absence of the Chairman and with his authorization, one of them (chairpersons) replaces the Chairman. In absence of such an authorization (resignation, etc) the Secretary General summons the National Council which commands the Deputy Chairperson that will lead the Party till the final decision of the National Assembly”, is said in the Article 43 of the Democratic Party Statute.

The declaration of the party also says that the elections for the chairman are opened to any of the members.

    © SYRI.net

    Lexo edhe:


    Lali29/06/2017 20:48

    Kot bejne cirk. E lagu nuk e lagu. E ka fajin ky e ka fajin ai. Fajin e kane te gjithe qe e lane te degjeneronte fryma e kolegjialitetit dhe vendimarrjes si dh autoriteti i organeve drejtuese te PD-se, (thuajse inekzistente). Dhe qershia min torte "nje anetaresi dhe dege te rrudhura dhe shkermoqura". Po vazhduan keshtu skane nevoje ta shkaterrojne sepse eshte thuajse e shkaterruar. Me pak fjale po nuk filloi gjithshka nga baza ta mbajne me shkume.

    pal29/06/2017 17:43

    CfaJ ka Basha qe ne vitin 2013 pas ikjes se likes nga koalicioni, dyshja BERISHA _ TOOPALLI i dhane me vete likes edhe 10 mandate. LSI E Metes ( po te beni nje logari te thjeshte ju te mediave ) i ka marre PD me shume se 10 mandate. Te gjithe ish anetare te PD bashke me familjet e tyre ,qe ishin te punesuar ne dikasteret qe mbante META , ne tatime e dogana e vende tjera pune u kthyen me LSI per te qendruar ne pune ( pra u shiten dhe jane ne pune e dhe sot ). Te pakten 100 mije votues e lane PD dhe ja dhane votat LSI.Edhe rritja e LSI menjehere pas zgjedhjeve te 2013 sipas mendimit tim shpjegohet me kete fenomen. Ne zgjedhjet e 2017 kjo pjese nuk kaloi perseri me PD ( megjithe thirrjet e Bashes) se shpresonin qe do te ishin perseri ne pushtet ,por edhe me friken e heqjeve nga puna te tyre dhe familjareve te tyre. Ne fushaten e 2013 kreret e PD as nuk e zune ne goje fare LSI( ajo u be opozite menjehere dhe fajin e ka saliu per kete ndodhi ) Kurse rama e luftoi menjehere ne fushate sapo LSI filloi te bente rolin gjoja te opzites. Pra, basha ka fajin e vete per humbjen, por fajin me te madh per humbjen e mbi 10 mandateve e ka kryesia e PD qe zhvilloi fushaten e zgjedhjeve te 2013,pra Saliu .jozefina e te tjere.

    Iliri29/06/2017 17:25


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