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The Electoral College is expected to take the important decision for the elections date tomorrow

The Electoral College is expected to take the important decision for the elections date tomorrow

09:11, 17/05/2017
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The Electoral College will decide tomorrow whether to accept or reject the complaint of the Agrarian Environmentalist Party (PAA), which seeks the proclamation of nullity for the registration of the lists of candidates, claiming the deadline has been violated.

If the Electoral College accepts the PAA’s complaint, then June 18 will automatically be dropped as the elections date.

Should it happen, everything would start from scratch and the President of the Republic must set another date for the elections, which is expected to be in autumn, a period asked by the Democratic Party as well.

Judge Gjin Gjoni is the case’s relater, with Tomorr Shkreli, Sotiraq Lubonja, Ridvan Hado and Artur Malaj as members. The opposition insists the parties’ lists with the names of the candidates have been delivered after the legal deadline, which, according to the plaintiff, had to be at 00:00 of April 28th, not April 29th, when the parties consigned their lists.


Lexo edhe:


kqz17/05/2017 10:10

Kutu nuk behet fjale vetem per 28 apo 29 . Behet fjale edhe per dt 10 prill , ku rreth 11-12 parti nuk jane rregjistruar fare ne kete dt. Edhe sikur 29 prill te merrej e mirqene , atehere do te duhet te s'kualifikoheshin 11-12 parti , pervec PS , LSI dhe PDIU .

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